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Stupid nightmare

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Well, you probably will think I'm the most stupid person in the world... This doesn't have any logic but I can't help it!!! The thing is I just woke up from a terrible nightmare where my boyfriend was kissing another girl. I don't know if anything like this has ever happened to any of you but it feels terrible :( Right after it, I went in myspace and saw some comments of girls on his photo.. but from the year 2005! :S I didnt meet him till 2006... but anyways those words shocked me. I think my brain somehow related both things and now I'm confused...

I can't help being sad and afraid. I know it was just a dream, I know I should calm down, but the fact that I'm not getting to talk to my SO till this evening doesn't help at all.

Just had to get rid of this thought and wondered if any of you ever had such nightmares: what did you do to go over it???


Thanks in advance.


Velvet Gun

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awwww I've had this happen to me.

Just tell yourself..IT WAS JUST A DREAM and repeat it over and over to yourself.

It wasn't real..just remember that!

Are you going to be talking to him tomorrow?

Tell him that you had a bad dream..but glad that it was ONLY a dream.;)

And that you are thankful that he is in your life!

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thanks a lot! I guess it worked, I spend all day telling myself that it was just a dream and right now I'm talking to him and it's all much better =) I could finally calm down...:love:


^^ Velvet Gun

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I think dreams are the brains way of 'shuffling' the deck and looking at possible scenarios, thinking through things you have seen and learnt that day and see where they relate to what you already know.


I wouldn't worry about it it's just your brain playing around and thinkng things through.

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