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Why do I check up on her?

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What is my problem? I met this amazing girl 2 months ago and we have been seeing each other every night since. She always calls me around the same time every night ( within an hour) after she gets home from work. She told me she loves me b4 i did, has given me a key to her place, wants to spend the rest of her life with me etc...


But I have found myself checking up on her and asking too many questions about what she duz? I have even watched her leave her work from afar just so I would really know when she left! I have also looked at her cell phone log!! WTF is wrong with me? I have no reason not to trust her. Please help!

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Wow :confused: , that doesn't sound good. Have you been betrayed, lied to, or hurt by a girl before?


If she finds out that your so distrustfull towards her and more importantly that your going behind her back and checking on her she'd probably be really upset.


Are you honest with her? Maybe your just scared cause you like her so much.


You should chill though with all this worrying and spying your not enjoying what you have which is the a good girl and no need to worry. Relax and enjoy the relationship.

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Thanks for the advice!! I had a girl cheat on me once, but that was 8 yrs ago. Not sure what my prob is. I do really love her and she makes me feel like I'm the ****. Furthermore, I feel that i am a good catch for her. She is older than I. She tells me she loves me all of the time. I guess I'm bothered by all of her boyfriends and 2 ex-husbands. But the past really doesn't matter.

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Hi whiplash - I find I check up on him too - for no real apparent reason...


On my part, I guess things r just seeming too good to b true, or I cannot believe that the one I dreamt of has materialised. I have no real reason to b skeptical because he feels the same good things I do...


So why do we do it? To look out for our own backs???... To be 150% sure of their devotion? Or to search for reasons to b alone because it is safer that way??


I don't feel it is wrong to b slightly fearful of being hurt, taken for a fool.. I do feel it is wrong to potentially destroy something which is good and has potential to b great...


I'm tryna curb my curiousity by knowing that he means well toward me and is an honest, faithful person with good intention..


Remember: Fear is the Devil, GoOd is Love and Light... Follow the light...


Love and light,


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I feel that i am a good catch for her



that is not a good way of thinking...... So what you think your better than her? You have to see your selves as equals, and if your such a good catch then why are you acting so insecure?


I'm sorry but it really bugged me to see you say that, my X once said I was lucky to have him and it totally turned me OFF! After that all I could think was that he was "confused" here I was the older, more educated, more mature, got it going on mentally, physically and financialy yet I'm lucky....Ppplleeeasseeee! He was only 2yrs younger and had nothing! Get real! He was lucky....


You just can't have that mentality.....

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Thanks for the feedback every1!!! I think purfection8 hit it on the head. I feel this is too good to be true. So I guess i'm just making sure.


She makes me feel so good emotionally and physically!! Last night I stayed over and she said I could stay even after she leaves 4 work. Wow!! I was given a key too a while back!! Just lets me know that she is very comfortable with me and she has nothing to hide. To leave some1 alone in ur house that u have been only seeing for 2 months, u must feel pretty good about the relationship.


I know my behavior isn't normal. I will consider therapy too. She has given me no reason to act insecure. My behavior isnt acceptable!!!! I do feel a little better every day though.

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