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Whats up with my sexuality?

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i always believed myself to be straight, but act weird sometimes. Like when I sleep, I have sexual dreams about men, and when I wake up I have this overwhelming urge to have sex with other men, but I've never met a guy I've been remotly attracted too. I've never thought about men romantically, just sexually. I even enjoy gay porn occasionally. I even find my self wishing I liked men as much as I like women. Whats up with me?

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How old are you?


COuld just be a phase, then again, you could be gay. Are you afraid of that possibility?

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18 I wouldnt be scared of that, but I would think that if I was gay I would be more romantically interested in guys.

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I have this overwhelming urge to have sex with other men

You are not straight - doesn't mean you have to do anything about it if you don't want too.

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i think it's quite possible to have curiousity, even driven curiousity, about the same sex without being homosexual; particularly if you are in a culture that encourages such behaviour. experimenting and curiousity are a normal part of development - don't worry about it - accept it as part and parcel with your overall sexuality, which for you seems to be romantic heterosexuality with dashings of homoeroticism.


in any event, it's no shame to you to have these dreams and desires. go with it, baby, that's what makes your sexuality unique. i think everyone has some strange kittens in the closet; it's very cool that you have the cahones to admit it.

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I agree with jenny.


And I think a lot of people probably had small thougts about same-gender sex but with the openess of todays society those thoughts or feelings may be confused and more expansive then they were to people 75 years ago. Some people's sexuality develops later too.

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Alexandre, the best place to get insight into your questions is probably a forum on sexuality or even a gay forum. There are probably people there who have had similar experiences to yours or who are experiencing the same kinds of feelings as yours and you may be able to share in their understanding of it all.

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it's possible that your new found sexuality might just be beginning to bloom around this age, over time, your urges and feelings might get stronger...but i dunno bout this stuff..just mumbling

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Agree it is possible to have this level of curiosity about same sex without being gay but I think bi would be a more accurate description. Some would say that is what the majority of people are and that is only society which causes repression of such feelings. This is why in some cultures bisexuality is so much more prevalent and as well as in same sex institutions. This isn't an issue of which I have much experience but on my travels I have noticed that in some cultures bisexuality is almost the norm - this seems a sensible explanation to me but I would be interested in others' views.

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