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i like this girl but im confused, what do i do?

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i met this girl a little under a year and then a little after the first of this year we started to hang out alot. and for most of the time we have been hanging out i knew, subconsiencely, i liked her but not until about middle september did i consiencely know it. i told her how i felt, and she told me that she thinks that i am cute but she just isnt attracted to me. so she knows i like her. she always seems to be wanting to hang out but she hardly can cause she is working and going to school. and when she does have time to hang out she hangs out with this one guy most of the time. so from my experience i think that she likes him. yesterday she asked me if we could meet for lunch on sat she wants to talk to me about something because she finds me the easiest to talk to. this gets me a little curious as to what she might say. for a long time i have been telling myself to get over her but i cant. i mean i have "liked" girls in the past but she is the only one that i feel real comfertable around.


so what do i do? ill go to lunch with her cause i dont want to pass that oportunity up.

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So you don't want to pass what opportunity up??? The opportunity for her to ask you advice about this other guy...DUH!!! Yes, go have lunch as see what she has to say and then back off and end it. Many women are very sensitive to these kinds of situations but others will keep you on a string as a back up for activities in between relationships. You don't stand a chance with them but they like you enough to spend occasional time with you just to give you enough hope so you'll stick around to fill their empty time and meet a few needs that their boyfriends may not be able to. Don't go there. She has told you she ONLY likes you as a friend. She has done her part in being honest. Now if you want to keep kidding yourself, shame on you...and don't blame her when she starts asking you about new sexual positions for her and her boyfriend.


Go find somebody who's into and who wants to date you!

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I definately agree with Toni. I have been on either side of this unfair situation. It seems like there may be some hope because she still hangs out with you, but most probably it is an ego trip thing and she feels comfortable in the knowledge that she can tell you anything and you will still follow her around. If you want to keep the friendship going you have to be prepared to see her dating other guys and asking for help on these relationships. This gets really frustrating as you feel way more deeply for her than she is prepared to acknowledge. It is easy to think that maybe she was playing hard to get when she said she didn't feel that way about you and one day she'll come to her senses, but you will soon discover which way it is if you spend less time with her or even find a girl who respects you back. Your friend may not be aware that you havent let this go, and you will always be hurting more than her if she doesnt feel the same way. Just start looking for other great girls and she'll either run and tell you her 'true' feelings or you'll be happy and true to yourself anyway in a good relationship. You deserve to get some luvin' too.

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