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Please help... Thanks! really need advice.

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Hi everyone!

How to start??? well... here's the problem.

He's a great guy and a great father. I love him a lot. always working hard to support me and our baby.


Until he start with his drugs again...

2 days ago he came home and I knew right away that he was "high".

What do I do? dump him? wait for him to get over it? we have a child that I don't want him to see all that, he's 1 now but soon he'll understand.


I have no family, no car and no job. my baby has no daycare I am staying at home with him.


He went to some therapy last year and was clean for 10 months until 2 days ago....


He says that the fact that it happened only once in the last year is good news and I shouldn't make a "big deal" about this time... what do you think???


Should I stay or should I go?


Any advice will be great!



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This is serious! First of all what is he getting hight on? Yes some things are worst than others, for example if he is just smoking weed well (as bad as it is) it is something that yeah he could controll and maybe take one or two tokes and then continue being clean and not have to do it all the time. However if we are talking about an "addictive" drug like crack, coke, heroine...then there is no "oh well I only did it once" once your clean and you go back you basically fall right back into it.


I've learned that drug habbits are something that only the addict can help and everyone else around them can only whatch and support. It's a real sensitive situation becuase most of the time addicts lie and cover the use, as a lover you can only talk and encourage him to get help as a mother I suggest you start looking for ways to survive w/out him so that if anything happens you and your child will be ok.


Drugs can really break a family apart and in the end children suffer the most. You should really start doing something about making your self able to survive w/out him...believe me you can. I am a single mother who had my daugther at 16, I live on my own and support my self %100 percent (no government aid) I work full-time. I am a surivor and I believe that any other woman out there can do the same.


Again, I say be supportive don't accuse him if your not sure but also let him know that your noticing a difference but also keep your and your childs well being as priority!

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