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Seriously dating boyfriend for a year. He can't seem to get it together


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I've been in a serious relatonship for a little over a year now and when we met he was the sweetest, kindest, gentelest guy I had ever met. Once we quit school he moved back home as well as myself which happend to be an hour away from each other. We struggled to stay together while apart so he moved to my town so we could be together more. He found a job and recently just moved into a house w/ 3 other guys. We've had our fair shares of ups and downs like every normal relatonship but lately he is becoming lazy in the relatonship. For example he said he would come by to see me one day and then I called him two hours later and his only answer was that "he forgot." Then I went over to his house later that evening and he fell asleep while watching a movie. I can't remember the last time he did ANYTHING for me. He gets discouraged often because he says he wants to take me out to do all these things with me but he doesn't have the money right now, which is fine to me. I told him that it wasn't the money I was after it was the thought. He can still let me know he loves me just as much for free. He just had to be thoughtful. He says he understands. Weeks go by, nothing. Months go by, nothing. I can't remember the last time he actually did something for me that required any thought of any kind. Even his sex drive has gone down. We went from 4-5x a day to maybe 2x a day down to 1x every other day now to going a week without it. And sex is very important to me in the sense that it is the only thing that we have that is intimate and that he is WONDERFUL at. And now I hardly ever get it. I am feeling kind of empty. Not fufilled in any possible way. I don't thikn he meets my needs anymore. Now there is an ex if mine who has recently called me to see what I was up to and to let me know he misses me. I am actually considering pursuing a relatonship with my ex now. But I know I love my current boyfriend. The idea of dating other people to him is silly and he doesn't want me to date anyone else. Honestly I don't want to either but our relatonship is slowly dying and I love him and it tears me apart to think that. HOw do I fix this? Break-up? PLease say there's another way.



Thank you!


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I think you need to alert him of these things. Maybe show him the exact post you made. You need to either take a break from you relationship to put him on notice, or break up with him all together. If the fear of losing you still doesn't jolt him into some sort of reality that a change needs to be made...then he's not worth your time. One last effort wouldn't hurt anyone though.


Good luck:)

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