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Avoidant Personality DIsorder

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Yeah, I was diagnosed with this by two doctors when I was 19-20. It got to the point where I couldn't even leave my home for months at a time. I still have some issues, but it's really improved dramatically since then, thank god.

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OMG this describes me exactly! I think I just diagnosed myself.

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Better to get a second opinion from a psychological professional. Self-diagnosis is over-rated :)


I concur that cognitive therapy, perhaps combined with a medication for anxiety, if present, should be helpful.

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Personality disorders are over-hyped and over-diagnosed just like bipolar and ADD, and things of the like. It seems like doctors and people want so badly for themselves to really have a problem and attempt help, rather than just chalking it up to being a person who happens to say, not like embarrassment and social interaction, like with avoidant personality disorder.


I think that while a doctor may diagnose things like this to give a concrete answer, it's just BS. Like most things are, especially when it is so over-used. It really is just another form of anxiety and should be treated as such. Therapy and medication are great for those experiencing anxieties.


But don't diagnose yourself, because more than likely, you are completely wrong. But, if you convince yourself of a problem enough, and you try to prove it to a doctor, they will usually agree with you. It's just the nature of the beast.

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