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I understand some of the more mature people on here will pass this off as some sort of teen bull****, but for my sake please bear with me and hear me out.


It has to do with a very good female friend of mine. Ive known her for the better part of two years, and she's become my best friend. Like, I don't feel closer to anyone else. Over time we've shared some really personal stuff and there just Isn't anyone else quite like her.


We've had a few pretty bad fights, some where we haven't talked for a couple of weeks (yeah, I know, big deal.) But I always felt sick to my stomach during that time. I know I'm still young and naive and stupid, but at this point I can't imagine being closer to anyone else. Forgive me, its hard to convey the details without sounding like a complete idiot.


When we first met, we started out dating, which was prolly a bad idea, because it only lasted about 2 and a half months. But since then, we've learned a lot more about each other as people and are really close friends.


Ever since we broke up almost two years ago, Ive had lingering feelings about her. Like, I was interested in other girls, no doubt. But it always went back to how much I missed her and how I wanted another shot at it.


I recently broke up with a girlfriend of mine (for vastly different reasons.) And following this, me and Katie talked a bit, and agreed that maybe we might want to give it another shot. But to take it slow, so this time it actually means something.


Here I can finally make my point, since then we've hung out and honestly had a good time together. That was about 2 weeks ago. After that I asked if she wanted to catch a movie (as friends) and she said sure. But we've had to reschedule a couple of times. However now we have to wait 2 weeks or so due to a lot of stuff going on for her.


I'm just worried, because I don't want to screw anything up or lose what chance we had because we didn't see each other enough to make it "click"


I think I'm just worrying myself to death, but I love her and I just don't want this chance to go away.


Do you guys think its okay if I just wait it out till she has the time for everything? Or should I talk to her or something. This is my first post on a forum like this so forgive me if I posted in the wrong section or just sound like a complete dolt.





PS: I might have forgotten something. If you have questions shoot and I'll address them. Thanks.

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I understand how your feeling. Maybe she is just busy. You said she had stuff going on. Is it serious? Maybe you can call her and ask her how she feels about you guys going out. Dont pressure her just tell her you wanted to know how she feels. Tell her your understanding of her and patient if need be it. But its good to know because if she is getting second thoughts that wont be fair to you. Good luck.

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I suppose its sort of serious, she has concerts and stuff shes going to and next weekend shes going to NYC with her mom for a few days. I'm prolly worrying for no reason at all, I tend to jump tp conclusions way too often. Thanks for the reply though. I'll still give it some thought as to what to do.




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Can you call her while she is away? You mentioned 'love', does she feel the same way, or are you just filled with possibilities and simply missing her at the moment?


Take care,

Eve xx

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If she's stressed about temporary things then try and keep your distance for a bit while still showing you care, and then when her stuff is finished you can get on with it properly. Sound reasonable?

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I prolly could call her, but I don't know. She's been looking forward to this for a while and Id rather not pester her. As for love, I don't think she's returning the feelings at this point unless shes really good at hiding them.


So for now, were really good friends. And if nothing else I'm determined to at least keep that aspect of our relationship going.


craig841- Thats prolly a really good idea. And while obvious I for whatever reason have failed to realize it till now.


Thanks for your help everybody.




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From a girl's point of view, it would be a nice gesture to call. See if she has time one day or night to grab a bite to eat real quick. Maybe send her some flowers. good luck!

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Call her...otherwise the pain will eat you alive...if she really wants to spend time with you, she'll find a way to make it work, even if it's 2 weeks away.

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