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Men majoring in fashion and clothing design

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I just found out the nice guy I've been sitting next to in a class is a textiles, clothing and design major. Is he likely gay, or am I way out of line? I am somewhat interested in him but I don't want to make him uncomfortable. He really does not seem gay in any of the ways my gay male friends behave. I hate to generalize about people like this but I'm really wondering. Do straight guys major in fashion and design??

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of course they do! I'm in the graphic arts & advertising design major and there are a few that i've seen that instantly pop up on my GAYdar screen lol

with their gay voices, tight clothing, way they move/hand movements, talking to their "girlfriends" most of the time......it's a high possiblity theyre gay who knows...


hell my friend went into fashion for a year, but transferred to illustration when he decided it wasnt for him. he's never been laid or had a girlfriend, he's just not that social active....but im pretty positive he's not gay


whether or not he's gay why does it matter to you?? since you said he's a nice person and all, and seem to have no problems being around gay friends

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Do straight guys major in fashion and design?


I'm sure they do, just like people with bad spelling and grammar study journalism because they want to be writers! :laugh:


seriously, though, maybe he just has a good eye for these kinds of things and is bright enough to have picked up on it.

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Monkey00: Well the reason I'm so curious is that I am interested in him! ;-D I just wonder if I have a chance.


Thanks to both of you with your insight. I welcome more opinions!

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There may be a lot of gay guys in fashion and design (and architecture, the arts, etc etc) but not every man in the trade is. Go for it - if he's gay, you'll end up with a good friend, at least :)

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Moimeme: Thanks for the vote of confidence. It's so funny because he seems the antithesis of the gay men I know. A little weary of the bicurious quality of the last person I was seeing, I actually remember thinking, THIS guy is straight, a sure bet. LOL just a laughable circumstance of irony. I will get to the bottom of this! Thanks again!

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