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Hi. I am a migraine sufferer and have been on medication for the longest time. For mild attacks, I usually take paracetamol. Then on severe attacks, I take ultram. Now, I heard that herbal medicines also help fix the attacks and maybe even resolve migraine itself. Am not just sure of the actual medicine names, though. Do you have any info on this? Thanks!

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I used to work with a woman who suffered severe migraine attacks. When she felt the "aura" come on, she would quickly hammer back a few expressos. Enough times, if she caught it fast enough, the migraine wouldn't peak.


I doubt that's the herbal you're talking about, but at least it's relatively natural.

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gotta be careful with natural remedies, in case you're allergic to something. I've also heard caffeine is the best if you catch it early onset. Which I wish I knew as a teen, when I would get awful migraines for seemingly no reason ...


the good news is, you can outgrow them once your hormones settle down.

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Try feverfew. Also, make sure your B12 levels are normal, if not load up on them and your B6 as well.


Drink alot of water and learn what your triggers are. What foods might set you off, sugars, caffeine etc..Even hormones/weather play a big part in this as well.


Caffeine can actually give you a worse migraine, so it doesn't always work everytime.

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Nope, no info about that. I’ll ask my doctor friend and see what he says about this. Tramadol/ultram is good to fight the pain. How long have you been taking it?

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Caffeine can actually give you a worse migraine, so it doesn't always work everytime.


I think it's more effective to drink a lot of water than to have more caffeine than what you usually have on a daily basis. Coffee has sometimes made my headaches worse, but often it works wonders, too. Very confusing.

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i use alleve... two tablets when it first starts... then only one every 6 hours after that.


i used it when it was a prescription - now it is over the counter which is so much easier. back then - i never went anywhere without it in case i could feel the migraine coming on. once it started - i couldn't get it stopped for days - only if i caught it at the beginning stages of the pain.


it was hormonal... started while i was pregnant. couldn't take anything for it then... has subsided in the past few years since i am now closer to age 50.

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do you have hypertension (high blood pressure)? If you do taking one of the old beta blockers would help the hypertension and help prevent migraines.

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good advice about the triggers: I was told to keep chocolate, cheese and wine consumption down when I was a teen – the first two were obviously the culprit, as I had no taste for alcohol then (or now).


didn't think about the B-vitamins, that makes sense since they're the first impacted when you're stressed, and stress can lead to migraines ...

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I tried a combination of feverfew & butterbur, plus magnesium and Vit B12/6 supplements, and they worked pretty well. Also sumitriptan for an attack.

I think mine may have been hormonal and stress related, as I was alot more stressed last year than I am now, and got LOTS of attacks last year.


Am pregnant now and can't take anything except magnesium, but I have only had one since I got pregnant and I think that was stress induced.


That day I went to the doctor and had paracetamol and IV fluids for an hour, and was totally fine afterwards.

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