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Keep quiet or speak my mind ?


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I am just curious.....


what are your thoughts on abortion and gay marriage ?


I was asked these questionss by a visitor at my college in Boston on Friday, October 31 at 2: 00 PM.


To the abortion question I said : "it's a woman's prerogative. I can't get pregnant so whatever is decided is okay by me. let the ladies decide, though. It's their bodies."


to the question of marriage, I said : " doesn't bother me,

as long as these individuals have the good sense not to try anything with me."


The lady said I was a decent open-minded man.


The religious girl i was chatting with prior to being interrupted (in time, cause conversation was lagging) said that i was a fool and people like me will end all that is good and sacred in the world."


I just tell my opinion and always end up someone's idea of a bad guy. I am mighty tired of it. Should I refrain from speaking my mind in hot topics ? Cause a lot of people out there are angry that their world is changing.


I am just trying to understand.


what do i do ?

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whatever you say, some people will agree and praise you, and some will disagree and call you the bad guy. so just relax and express your opinions freely. if somebody criticizes your opinion, think about their criticisms, just in case they will change your mind.


arguing with people, however, is fruitless, at least in my experience. so just state your opinion, and your reasons for holding it, if any, and tada, finito.


i agree with you that abortion or not should be largely the woman's decision, although the man's view of the future child plays a big role in it. i didn't understand what you said about marriage - that it's fine, but you're not up for it?


good luck,


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I absolutely admire a person who has an opinion and is brave enough to speak it out loud *when asked.* Even if it isn't necessarily my own.


I don't take kindly to unsolicited advice, but when I need it I'm never too proud to ask. But if someone asks for mine, they should be well prepared for radical honesty. Be careful what you ask for, or you just might get it. ;)


I think you should continue being just who you are. It's unlikely that everyone will agree with you all of the time. And those that do, we call "friends." And those that don't can still be pals, so long as they are confident enough to swallow what they dish out.

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Originally posted by yes i didn't understand what you said about marriage - that it's fine, but you're not up for it?

yes - He was referring to gay marriage.


Wolverine, for what it's worth, I agree with your opinions on both subjects. But whether I do or not does not matter. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions.

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:D Wolverine .. (my 2nd favorite X-Man BTW)



I say speak your mind, man! She thinks "people like you" are going to be the end of all the good in the world? Whatever. She should think it is people like her that are responsible for some nasty episodes in our history, all for the love of God..


Also, I'm reminded of one of my favorite "Dr. Seuss-ism" -- "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

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Originally posted by GeorgiaSongbird

I'm reminded of one of my favorite "Dr. Seuss-ism" -- "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

I love it! Mind if I steal it to use as my "quote"?

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Cindy --


I was going to use it, but since you asked !! I can't say no ;)

Especially since most people would have just "taken" it w/out asking so nicely!


This is one of my favorite quotes and I try to live by it.. I have printed and hung up everywhere :laugh:

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