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Girlfriend and girl friends?

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I've been dating this amazing girl for 2 months now and we are exclusive. She has friends that are guys, but I don't have any girl friends. I recently met this girl and would like to call her just as friends. I admit I do find her attractive, but I would never cheat.


I'm pretty sure all of my girlfriends' guy friends she has known a long time. i feel like if she met some1 recently I wouldn't be cool with them beind friends.


Am I doing something wrong if I call this girl I just met?

I would never jeopardize our relationship, but if something were to happen I might want to pursue this other girl.

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i think it's fine to keep in touch with the new girl, as long as you let her know that you have a gf and hence don't mislead her, and don't hide her existence from your gf either.



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I think you feel uncomfortable about this and you should trust your instincts and steer clear. It's fine to have friends who are girls but you view this girl as a potential girlfiend. You seem to view your girlfriends male friends as completely platonic - how would you feel if she did what you propose? Would you be jealous? How would you feel if she behaved differently to them than her other male friends? Would you worry if she called them when you had an argument?


If you do not want to jeopordise your relationship you need to be able to trust each other. This means striving to work things out not hedging your bets in case things go wrong.

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I would never jeopardize our relationship, but if something were to happen I might want to pursue this other girl.


Hmm!!! Difficult one. What worries me is the above part of your post. It sounds almost like you want this girl on the back burner incase things don't work out with your girlfriend. And if you find her attractive it's probably not a good idea to invite her into your life as a friend either. I have male friends who are attractive but the difference is they aren't attractive to ME if that makes sense? My best friend is male and I suppose he's quite good looking but I just see him as a brother. If you are attracted to this girl as opposed to just appreciating that she is pretty etc then that could be trouble.

I would advise you not to pursue a friendship with this girl unless you are positive you would not be tempted to want more...but that's just my opinion.

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