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First of all, let me tell you I am female so you are getting the female point of view. Before I answer your questions, please hear this.


Your wife is unfaithful to you, she is definately having sex with other men. You are a Medical student and should know the importance of having a blood test as soon as possible in order to see if you have contracted and STD, especially AIDS from this slut!


She is putting all the blame on you as she has problems with hair on them and refuses to accept responsibility for her inexcusable behavior.


As far as getting married to her: BIG MISTAKE! A good wife would be supportive of you and do all she could to make things easier on you as you need to study so hard. A smart wife would see the pay off in the end. A loving wife would be understanding and loving during this time in your life.'


THIS is NOT a good, smart or loving wife. She is completely selfish, satisfying her own needs without regard to yours!


Advice: Stay in Medical School and dump this shank ho slut! You may feel love for her, but she certainly expresses none to you and you honestly don't need to cope with her whorish behavior and nasty disposition ... not now ... not EVER! Here is a good quote for you that appies here: "Go while the going is good. Knowing when to leave may be the smartest thing you'll ever do!" Take note and drop the hostile, castrating, slut, Bitch!


Now for your questions:


1. NO! You are far from crazy! The only crazy thing you are doing is not dumping the bitch! Look in the news! It is not uncommon for people to be shot over such situations.


2. HELL YES!!! You have the right to be upset! You also have the opportunity and responsibility to yourself to take appropriate action and get rid of the bitch so you can succesfully complete Med. School without her psychotic lunacy standing in your way!!!!


3. Of course it is~! In a "real" marriage and relationship, communitcation and truth is paramount!


4. I don't know if you are one of those poeple who feels they need to know everything, but in this case, you would be a F O O L not to get to the bottom of every aspect of your wife's shank ho conduct!~


5. Let her hang out with whomever she wants. It speaks volumes of her regarding the people she chooses to be friends with. Just expect Traci to be talking your wife into fu*king around on you all the more and your wife taking her advice.


6. Hell NO! You are NOT the bad guy here. Just read all I have written so far. You are husband and wife ... this relationship is so dysfunctional it is beyond belief! It would be different were it an "open marriage" and permission given to fu*k around, but this is not that case. And added to that, the bitch is blaming all her infidelity on you! How stupid is this??????????


7. Yes, I am afraid it is true. Should a patient express suidical ideation or desire, it is the duty of the psychiatrist to hospitalize them ... even if involuntary (Baker Act).


I am normally very polite and rational when answering letters, but this Bitch is a not only no good for you ... she will make most any man miserable, fool around on him (perhaps a self esteem problem), blame others for her problems (nothing is ever her fault), put her own desires before her man's (selfish, spoiled little sh*t), and will never be happy with anyone she has as there will always be fault with him.


PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE dump her as soon as you can, make a success of your life and find some woman who is deserving of your love and devotion! D.

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