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Have I started having panic attacks?

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After a bad experience today, afterwards when I was home I started drawing lots of deep or short breaths, kinda feel a bit dizzy too.


A few hours later it happened again.


I'm not sure if they are panic attacks because I've not had the other symptoms, like intense anxiety, or feeling like I was going to die.


What do you guys think?


Just to let you guys know, this isn't for attention.

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sound like you were hyperventilating.... aka- short shallow breaths, which causes too much carbon dioxide to build up which in turn causes feelings of dizziness.



now why you are having these physical symptoms is the question..... what bad thing happened?

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For the first time in a long time, somehow I got the confidence to take the car out again, really believing everything will be okay, only to end up having several bad experiences.


So that's what caused the first panic attack if that's what it was.


The second time it happened, not only was I feeling bad because of what happened when I was driving, I also then thought about the fact that my mum (she's old) is going to die one day, and that there is no way I could deal with it and that I have to move out and get my own place beforehand, but at the same time I can't do that because I have a fear of becoming homeless. I just had a really strong feeling of feeling so trapped, and then that's when the so-called panic attack happened.

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have you read the post i made about my husband's recent panic issues? it should be right below this one in the same forum.


there is some great advice posted.

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have you read the post i made about my husband's recent panic issues? it should be right below this one in the same forum.


there is some great advice posted.


I did read it but it was a while back so there was only about two posts.


If I'm having panic attacks then I'm quite glad, because at least it'll show my doctor that there is something seriously wrong and then there's more chance he will help me.


At the moment it feels as though he's all but given up on me. He thinks it's not a good idea for me to see a therapist again, he thinks there's no point in me trying any more anti depressants/anti anxiety, and the last time I saw him he told me to see him again in 6 months.

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I did read it but it was a while back so there was only about two posts.


If I'm having panic attacks then I'm quite glad, because at least it'll show my doctor that there is something seriously wrong and then there's more chance he will help me.


At the moment it feels as though he's all but given up on me. He thinks it's not a good idea for me to see a therapist again, he thinks there's no point in me trying any more anti depressants/anti anxiety, and the last time I saw him he told me to see him again in 6 months.


i would say it's time for a NEW doctor. basically you are paying him to serve you- not to quit trying, like you are a 'lost cause' (you aren't!)


i would definately get a second opinion.

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Concur. Fire the current doctor. They are not helping. Doctors are a dime a dozen. Find one who wants to help :)

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He is actually my second doctor, the first one gave up on me as far as medication is concerned too, that's why I ended up seeing the second doctor because I was hoping he'd be different.


Since he isn't it made it seem like probably all the doctors would be the same, and that's why I haven't bothered changing my doctor again. (Plus I'm kinda worried that if I was to see a 3rd doctor he might be a bit annoyed and ask me why I keep changing doctors all the time).


But, if after seeing this doctor I still don't get any luck, I'll give it a try.

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What do you guys think?


Oh no, awww....


It seems like you are very conflicted about the driving and you don't know what to do with your car.


This conflict is giving you all this stress I believe.


Just do nothing and the heck with it all.


Just do what you want.. go for a walk or drink a cup of tea.


That's usually what I do when things like that happen.


That way.. you don't have any stress with anything.


When you think too much then you get caught up in it, just let the car rot there and watch it, maybe it makes some good place for birds to make nests or something.




Aww... I wish I could go visit you over there and have tea with you.


You are such a sweetheart Ross.

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Ross, find a therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders (CBT, cognitive behaviour therapy) to help you. Avoiding driving or any other activity, avoiding places, people or whatever isn't good because then you are teaching yourself it's OK to give into the anxiety when it hits you.


In the meantime, continue driving, even if it isn't far. Stay in your car, even if you start to feel anxious and TELL yourself that it's just panic or anxiety, that it can't hurt you, that you're not scared of it. This is important - To gain control of your mind and face this anxiety head-on. Each time you feel anxious - Stop and breath, tell yourself that everything is going to be OK and just ride it out. If necessary, call a friend or get a paper and pen, start writing down how you feel and why.


Getting CBT counselling will give you the tools you need to fight this anxiety and panic! Understanding it, learning how to control your thoughts and feelings, as well as basic talk therapy (issues that are affecting you).

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Hey whichwayisup. The main reason why I'm avoiding driving isn't because of the anxiety, it's because I suck at it and I'm obviously a danger to myself and other people while driving. If I continue to drive I'm obviously going to continue to have these negative experiences and it will only be a matter of time before something way more serious happens. I'm very lucky and very surprised that it hasn't happened yet.

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If you can't get into see a doctor, maybe pursue alternative therapies for anxiety.


For example, L-Lysine is an over-the-counter amino acid that might do some good: http://vitamins.lovetoknow.com/L-Lysine_and_Anxiety


There are other possible supplements that might help with anxiety--such as St. John's Wort--if you wanted to do a little research. It's an individual thing, but if you found the right one, you might be able to take steps to help yourself feel better. People do take supplements, safely and effectively, myself included. But again, do your research first....and I do know that you should never mix them with prescribed anti-depressants.

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He is actually my second doctor, the first one gave up on me as far as medication is concerned too, that's why I ended up seeing the second doctor because I was hoping he'd be different.


Since he isn't it made it seem like probably all the doctors would be the same, and that's why I haven't bothered changing my doctor again. (Plus I'm kinda worried that if I was to see a 3rd doctor he might be a bit annoyed and ask me why I keep changing doctors all the time).


But, if after seeing this doctor I still don't get any luck, I'll give it a try.


You know I can relate to this. I've had some rough exp with docs myself. Changed a couple times till I found one that would hear me out. You might want to try a new one at least on more time. Now as for you having a panic attack, IMO is sounds more like you got a little nervous causing the dizzy feelings. May I ask why anti-d's did not work for you?



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You know I can relate to this. I've had some rough exp with docs myself. Changed a couple times till I found one that would hear me out. You might want to try a new one at least on more time. Now as for you having a panic attack, IMO is sounds more like you got a little nervous causing the dizzy feelings. May I ask why anti-d's did not work for you?




Hey Mea, some anti-d's have worked, but then after a few weeks or months they stop working, or I get bad side effects from them so I have to stop taking them.

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Hey Mea, some anti-d's have worked, but then after a few weeks or months they stop working, or I get bad side effects from them so I have to stop taking them.


Hmmmm.. well any chance you might be able to find one that works? There are so many on the market now a days. Have you tried lexapro? IMO, the side effects are very slight. Anyway Ross, I understand how you feel. I'd also look into CBT.. that could be helpful to you. And simply just plain old talk therapy.. getting things off your chest.



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Hmmmm.. well any chance you might be able to find one that works? There are so many on the market now a days. Have you tried lexapro? IMO, the side effects are very slight. Anyway Ross, I understand how you feel. I'd also look into CBT.. that could be helpful to you. And simply just plain old talk therapy.. getting things off your chest.




Like I said, the last two doctors I've seen have refused to let me try any others. I've tried 7 up to now.

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Like I said, the last two doctors I've seen have refused to let me try any others. I've tried 7 up to now.


Hmmmm.. Well then I guess Anti-d's are not an option for you. Do you have a therapist?



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Hmmmm.. Well then I guess Anti-d's are not an option for you. Do you have a therapist?




No. The doctor thinks there's no point. :(

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No. The doctor thinks there's no point. :(


Well Ross, If I were you I'd look for a new doc. You should not have to feel the way you are feeling. There is plenty of help out there to control panic and anxeity if that's what is going on with you. Believe me, I've had a rough time with this over the past year. It took much time and effort for me to find the right people to talk with. The sad part is I had to do it myself. Honestly, I have lost some faith in the health care system because of this. Hang in there and don't give up.:)



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