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: to follow my instincts or snap out of it and welcome reality?


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I am new in this online forum thing but had a sleepless night so what the hell might as well share whats bothering me :)


Ive told my story to a bunch of people I usually get people excited and interested to know what happens next to my story but i personally do not believe in things like this but here it goes:


4 months before i met this Dr. D , i was out with friends in a popular outdoor dinner place a psychic lady (palm reading) approach me and randomly asked me if i wanted a new years palm reading since its 2 days before the new years so i was like ok why not it was a fun thing to do with my friends... she gave me initials of my ex at that time and told me that this person is no good for me my friends jaw dropped after hearing the initials and obviously caught our attention... she mentioned that I am to meet my soulmate the one who is meant to be with me on april 9th and his name has a "D" and something about his career or something started in a newyork, she said i will meet him and i will know he is the one it is something i never had before and i will have so much in common with him i will not believe its true... so months passed and Mr. D became a private joke...


Months past and spring break came up my friend and i decide to go for a vacation it just so happen we were there april 8-11th ... I met this guy april 9th and he is exactly the way the lady said it , name has a "d" , lives in NYC, and i have so much in common with him .. the first 10 min of knowing him i realized we have the same last name .... I've never dated anyone or been attracted to a guy same ethnicity as mine coming from a culture expected to end up with your same kind i know that it will never happen to me since I've only dated others... suprisingly he is a perfect match of everything to me , we hit it off hangout a couple of days and kept in touch every now and then ....

he lives in a different state at least for another year he is a doctor and on call most of the time , we have this weird texting every now and then but only call each other when we are wasted to talk for 5-10mins... i met him again last months when i was in NYC to visit a friend but its in a club we had a good time he was a little shy and shocked to see me again thats what i sensed at least ... but obviously meeting him again proved to me that the chemistry is absolutely there and i was not just on a vacation romantic high...

this is going on for 3 months now , the question is , is it stupid that im even opening the doors to the idea of maybe someday when the timing is right for me and him we can try to date but for now just be ok with the way things are ... i mean iam living a normal life and i will go on a date if i meet any guy that i like of course but ther is this very strong instinct that tells me to keep the door open but my brain tells me this is stupid and even if he really likes me and wish we can date a logic smart guys like him knows and he mentioned it too before that he does not want a long distance relationship neither do i , then i should just stop entertaining ... i know if i stop texting he will stop too , he is one of those guys that has it all and appears all cocky but is really shy and even if he likes you , you are kinda need to be the one pursuing a little bit ... actually that line came from his co-worker too .... anyway my story is long thanks for whoever is reading it ....

" what to do?" am i trying to hold on to a fantasy? is it possible to meet someone you barely knew and have that strong connection with them that its kinda scary? any reactions will be greatly appreciated. thanks :confused:

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Sounds like a fantasy. I got wrapped up into something similar a couple years ago over a stupid dream.

The problem was I idealized this other person and found myself in an unhealthy obsession. When you are in your fantasy world, amazing coincidences seem to appear as if it were all magic.

Unfortunately this is the real world.. and those things are just coincidences. I'd love to tell you that there is some kind of kismet or something.. "meant to be" and all that, but I know that it isn't like that from first hand experience.


My opinion? Stay grounded.

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Firstly, I'd send the F.B.I. a notorized letter requesting back-ground information on the guy and the psychic, just for the hell of it, it's free. You've got nothing to lose.


Secondly, most doctors are super-rich. He can have his pick of many women because chicks are notoriously super-ficial in our culture. They get a wet spot in the panties when they see a Mercedes-Benz. If he doesn't ask you to marry him in the near future I'd forget about him.

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Wow, motive2002, that sounds exactly like one of my relationships.


I met a girl in a dream a few times. I became obsessed with her. Then I met her in reality, and it fed my obsession. I took abuse without thinking twice. When things went wrong, I was to blame, and I had to feel guilty for it. Anything for her, anything. Anything for my fantasy.


It doesn't work out, trust me. If you can't step back and take it like any normal relationship, I say cut it off. Above all, just don't let yourself get trapped in a fantasy.

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I say go with your heart but stay grounded at the same time. What i mean is keep the door open for this one, but keep dating other men and don't close the door on them as you stated. If there were no psychic involved, you'd probably still feel the chemistry and want to see this one, right? Go w/ your gut. Good luck.

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thanks everybody! .. i know its kinda crazy and far from reality... I just feel like at least i should keep the door open with this guy ... i do feel that he is not in the same place right now like looking for a relationship and all but its not like im desperate for one. im happy being single now if something comes along ill definitely entertain it... its just that with or without the pyschic thing ... there is something in me that tells me not to close the doors for this guy..... I do not understand even i do not talk to him so much i have thiis very strong feeling that i will see him again someday itts weird.... i am going to date other people ... i hope this fades and just stops i really do but for now i guess ill listen to what my instinct tells me...... im not pursuing or ing im just effort keeping the doors open ..... me and him have so much weird coincidence in common ,even her ex gf has the same first name as me and the same profession and i have the same last name as him .... thats just creppy rt? lol!!!!!!

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I'm really sorry you're going through this. A friend of mine had a similar experience. A psychic gave her a reading about meeting a guy. It was uncanny how accurate it was - and she too was told he was The One.


Somewhere in that uncanny reading the psychic left out a few things. Like how the guy would cause this girl a lot of pain and that the reading would give her heaps of false hopes.


A professional psychic explained it thus - Sometimes she picks up amazing details about someone meeting someone else, down to names, dates, looks, etc. But she doesn't usually get if the relationship will actually work out.


According to her, what unscrupulous readers do in such a situation is they then go on to tell the person that this guy/girl is "The One"... every single time. And they also say things just like you said your reader said to you.


Basically, they fill in the blanks. And it's always in the direction of a fairytale, because that's what people want to hear.


It's a really horrible thing to do to someone. And it seems like maybe it's been done to you. Because, trust me, if this guy were The One he would know it, too, and no amount of distance would keep him from pursuing a relationship.


Your head is filled with psychic fairy dust. There are tons of people who have had this very same experience and it seems very real. But it's not.


I've met people with tons in common, but the tons in common doesn't necessarily mean he/she is The One.


If you want, I can direct you to a discussion group with people who have wasted years of their lives pining over someone a psychic said was The One.

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