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need help to get a girl

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ok I just met this girl at work. she started working and it was her first day and i have started to like this girl alot. But it has only been one day since i met her it feels like that saying "love at first sight" . I dont know her age or if she has a boyufreind. I would relly want to get on this girls good side because if she dont got a man i want to be her man. SO how should i approach and say to her that would make her think that i am a nice and sweet person. I want to ask her to the movies but she will get scared cuz i only met this girl for a day and already i am doing this. I will take any advice. I want this girl bad.

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The more indifferent you are or appear to be, the more likely it will be that this woman will ultimately go for you. Many ladies are very rattled by someone who comes on gangbusters right off the bat.


Go very slow. Bring her coffee or Coke at breaks without asking her first. Do little things for her but DON'T ask her out.


Walk her to her car or other transportation, be nice, ask about her in a general way (where she's from, what she enjoys doing in her spare time, what she thinks about this, that, or the other) but don't ask her out.


After a few weeks, you will know if she's seeing anyone and how that's going. If she becomes interested in you, you will know it. She will either tell you she doesn't have a boyfriend (you can actually ask in a very non-threatening way such as asking her if her boyfriend or husband ever comes to pick her up), or she will tell you she is in a great relationship or she will tell you she is free and in no commitment.


Once that happens, ask her out for a drink, snack or light dinner after work one day. Then go from there.


You shouldn't have to ask how to make yourself appear as a nice or sweet person. If you are a bastard, I don't want you making this girl think you are nice. Be yourself. Be the same guy you are RIGHT NOW!!! If you are REALLY nice, that's the way you will act and that's what she will pick up on. And if you are butthole, she will see that and govern herself accordingly.


Nobody should ever have to ask the world via the Internet how to appear as a nice person. You are either nice or you aren't.


Honesty is being yourself. Be honest with this lady or it will come back to haunt you, ESPECIALLY AT WORK!!!


Also, this love at first site stuff is nothing but chemicals sizzling in your brain...infatuation...sexual attraction, etc. Nothing wrong at all with that. But after you get to know this lady a while, you will be in a much better position to know if you really want to persue her. I have been extremely attracted initially to lots of ladies that weren;t worth my time, including my ex-wife from whom I am happily divorced at this time.

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D. To Hassan

Dear Hassan, I am a woman and thought you would like a female point of view.


I read Tony's response and can only say that I wish I had written it myself. I am in total agreement with EVERY piece of advice he has offered. He really knows his stuff!


Best of luck! D.

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