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Talking about former lovers

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My girlfriend of 5 months talks about former casual sex partners of hers all the time. She has led a very promiscuous life. I notice all of her old boyfriends (few) she makes out to be somewhat wimpish but all of her casual flings (numerous) are steroid using bodybuilders, male models, etc. Since I'm her present boyfriend I resent the way she makes me feel: a "nice boy" for a relationship but not the "boy toy" type she has casual flings with. I don't talk about former girlfriends, flings, etc. I don't see how such talk does anything positive. Franky my girl makes me feel very insecure. I'm a good looking guy and I've dated good looking women. I have a nice body but I am no Mr America any means. Just last night she brings up a Chippendales dancer she went out with once. She knows I don't like this. She claims she loves me and wants to marry me. But I don't feel good about myself when I'm with her. Help.

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If you have told this girl that she needs to keep her past sexual encounters to herself and she continues to blab this stuff out as you describe, she has about as much class as a pig in slop and you need to get rid of her. If you haven't told her how much this bothers you, then shame on you.


I can't believe that any self-respecting human being would remain with a member of the opposite sex who was constantly talking about casual sex partners. What she's doing lacks class, respect, consideration, personal self esteem, empathy, and so many other qualities necessary in a relationship. This lady is pure trash in my book. You're better off finding a mate at the local garbage incinerator or land fill.


Frankly, I think she's testing you. The more you put up with this, the more she laughs at night before she goes to bed...and you can bet her girlfriends must think you're a riot to for putting up with her BS. That's gotta be the case...no woman can be this bad....no, no, no, no, no, no...PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I totally concur with Tony.


Pretty much BS what she's doing. Not cool at all. Tell her. If she doesn't stop, adios! Your partner should never make you feel like crap or insecure.

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It sounds like you both (maybe I am wrong here), are concentrating on extrinsic beauty and it sounds a little shallow. It also sounds like she is bragging. Try a pretty girl or a "plain" gir that is not so boastful about the "hot" men she can attract. You will probably be a lot happier!


I think she probably is used to doing this because she doesn't realize and doesn't care about how it makes YOU feel, because it makes HER feel great! It sounds a little immature.


Hope this helps.

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