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if he is datng the girl that you love then you should step out unless your best freind is treating her bad so then you step in and comfort her. Does your heart break when ever they kiss or hug or even sweet talk infront of you? it has happened to me. If it was meant to be with them then let them be . but if the guy is f***ing up in the relation ship then you somfort her. How close are you with your best freind. if you start to date her after the break up you are gonna loose your best freind .

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I will answer you in the frame of what ethics and morals used to be and you can go from there.


It is simply not being a good friend to lust over or love a girl your best friend is dating.


First, you should find a girl for yourself from the millions of single ladies available worldwide for your approval.


Second, wish your friend the very best of luck in his dating process and hope for the best for him and the girl you "think" you love but may only be sexually attracted to or infatuated with.


Third, in the event something happens between the two of them, they quite dating, you have not yet found Ms. Right and you are still interested in her, LET A BIT OF TIME PASS and then ask your friend how he would feel if you befriended this lady. Understand that if your friend is likewise in love with this lady and she dumps him, he will be very bitter if you move in quickly.


My best advice is to make you life clean and simply by steering clear of this lady and moving right along. There a just so many fine ladies in the world for you to be eyeing you friend's girl.


One more thing. Situations tend to come back and slap us in the face. How would you like dating a girl your best friend was in love with, knowing he was just waiting around for something to happen. If you continue this, IT WILL EVENTUALLY HAPPEN TO YOU. Nature has a way of coming back on us.


Perhaps someone else will give you a different perspective based on modern day morals, ethics and principles that many people subscribe to these days...and that may be the advice you would more like to hear.

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You put it very simply but the problem is that there isn't a simple answer. Does your best friend know how you feel about his girlfriend? If not then maybe you need to tell him cause it could start to cause some serious problems.

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