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What does "maybe" mean?

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I really like my sailing instructor. He took me out sailing on Friday, we had a great time (at least my part), and I asked if we could go again next Friday, and I'd bring him lunch and dinner (I made sushi for him last Friday). He said yes and put it down in his schedule.

On Saturday I saw him again with my sailing class, The dynamic was a lot different from when we were alone. It was our last class, he asked all of us to come on sunday for make up class because a bunch of us missed a lot of classes and asked us to "shoot him an email for a final on water test". I told him "I can't, I have stuff". After class I was walking to the bus stop (kinda far) and he passed by me, he was riding a bike, and he gave me a fun ride (I sat on the front handle bar), he dropped me off when the traffic became too much. before he left, he asked agian if I'm coming to class tmrw, and I said the same thing, and he said" should me an email", but then I asked" we're still going next week, right?" and he said "maybe". I shout back" definitely" before he rode away.

Now the question is, what does he mean by maybe, and why does he ask me to email him instead of call him? I used to call him. did he not like last Friday? or was he not happy I said I couldn't make it on Sunday and didn't really tell him what my other plans are? or simply because he's probably going to be busy next week, and next Friday is still a week from this Saturday and alot could change.

I don't know if I should call him up on Thursday to confirm, I did that last time. I want to let him know that I'm really interested in sailing (and him, of course), and I do care about it. But at the same time, I don't want to act too obvious and pushy. I know when guys I just met do that to me, ie. keep pushing for a date, or act overly interested, creep me out and turns me off instantly,

so I don't know if I should still call him on Thursday or should I email him on Thursday, or should I just wait till he calls in the mean time still make food for next Friday? what if he doesn't call? by the way, he's a really laid back person, so lots of time it is possible he gets too lazy to do something.

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I'd say wait for him to call or e-mail. I really don't like games, but perhaps this is the time to play a little hard to get. Make him wonder a little...

I dunno, it seems to me with the "maybe" and his insisting on e-mail that he's maybe got more than one iron in the fire. That's a total guess though.

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