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So here I am at a time in my life where I don't know what the hell I want anymore. People get pissed at me if I bring up drama to them, and if they bring drama to me then they feel like I'm obligated to not get pissed at them. I'm laying in my new bed since I'm living with my sister and her husband and kids. I can't go anywhere cause I don't know the town at all. I can't speak with anybody with my own father for more than a couple of minutes since to much crap has gone down in my life since I was 7.


I just need someone to talk to that won't push me away. Seems like everybody now a days that I know doesn't want drama. I feel so alone. Anybody going through or know exactly how I feel. There's so much more that I haven't written down but I hope to hear from you LSer's that are out there and still awake.

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Lake of fire

Hello Jamesith...


I do know exactly how you are feeling...I've been there - I would suggest that you look around the new town in the morning when you wake and see it as some adventure, new town, new people to meet, new faces, new good times...look around places...


I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling alone in the night, maybe if you write here about your problems and what you've been through, people will help, I know they will help, they've already helped me so much...


This feeling will pass...remember that...you won't always be feeling this way...


I'm kinda waking up myself over here but I'm sure you'll get more replies, this is a slow time in these parts...


Stay around here and you won't feel alone too much longer...


I'm in love with that penguin by the way!


Keep posting...~ Lake of fire ~

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Thanks for the response. I love penguins where much so too!


But yeah its been hard switching from a life where I got to do whatever I wanted kinda to having to babysit my niece and nephew and not having as much free time to myself anymore.


I went about the night telling my sister I seriously thought about never having kids, never marrying, not entering a relationship and staying single forever and moving away to kind of live on my own. Especially since I have a couple issues with my father on the other hand and an issue that may case my friendship to be lost. As it seems that the same situation is repeating itself over again.


I'm glad that LSer's are always here, cause being alone just sucks, it really does.

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been there done it... only way is to really tell yourself to be happy and not lonely

when i was there i stumbled on a quote "if you want to be happy, then be".

really all you have to do is change the way you think, i know its hard and it takes a while but make it a habit and you'll be out of there before you even know it

well that's only if your at the stage where i was.


anyway if you're looking for someone to talk to

i guess we're all here for ya

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nobody's girl

I'm going through similar myself. It's actually been quite illuminating. I'm finding out things about myself I never really knew, or had ignored. I think of it as a time to get to know myself and really figure out what I want and how to get it without having other people giving me their opinions and trying to get me to see things their way.


I've had several "conversations" in my head between myself and a good friend of mine. I know exactly what he'd say to every thought & feeling I have, so I can ponder that and come up with my own conclusions. Sometimes he's right, sometimes I'm right. Funny that he doesn't even have a clue about any of this. :laugh:


I've always felt you have to be comfortable with yourself in order to be comfortable with others. I see too many people who can't do anything without consulting other people. Or can't so much as go to a movie by themself; they have to have someone go with them. And they're always dating people wrong for them just so they won't be alone. If they actually spent some time alone, they might be able to figure out what they want in life and how to get it.


Don't look at this as a depressing time, look at it as a vacation where you get to spend time with you. Think about your situation, what you want, and how to get it. Don't take your drama to others, they'll just tell you what works best for them, not what works best for you. Only you can change things - it takes time but if you know what you want you'll be able to figure out how to get it.

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Thanks ByShine and Nobodys Girl. I know that even from last night I learned from my past that I make hasty decisions when stuff like this happens to me. Plus I know exactly what you mean by having people tell you what they think, my best friend plays a big role in how I make my decisions.


Have any of you guys felt like if you sided with someone you'd end up hurting the opposite other person who's telling you different things? Cause I so feel like this, theres three sides my mom who's raised me all my life, my dad who I rarely see but talk on the phone with, and my best friend who means a lot me. I feel as if I take any of there sides ones going to end up offended or for example my friend just gets super pissed if I don't side with her on anything that happens to me.


I'm having a great deal of stress since this has all been building up since the past few weeks.

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