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has anyone had Lyme disease? my husband was just diagnosed with it.... and i also think i may have it.


i am going to get tested on monday, but i am just wondering what some of your symptoms were (if you noticed any).


i got bit by a baby tick a little over 3 weeks ago... i do not have a bulls eye rash. and my 'symptoms' that i just really noticed this week are:


*i feel generally fatigued- like when you have been sick and still feel kinda weak, walking upstairs seems to make my legs feel just tired. i have even been going to bed earlier and it has not helped.

*i have gotten 3 headaches this week, and i rarely get headaches

*i just feel off- i do not know why or what exactly

* my eyebrow has been twitchy for 4 days, on and off, but mostly on


i know these are pretty general, and are symptoms of stress too- but really i haven't been stressed out about anything. i am healthy, i exercise regularly (which is why the feeling weak thing puzzles me).


i will know more after my tests come back after monday... but i was just wondering if anyone here has had similar symptoms and had Lyme disease.



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thanks Art!


i am not too worried, H is doing well, and i was going to get tested anyways b/c of my tick bite..... but i was thinking about it today and all these symptoms kinda dawned on me.... honestly- i wouldn't have thought twice about getting tested, and when he went to the doc i was surprised they even brought up Lyme disease, and even moreso that he tested positive.

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honestly- i wouldn't have thought twice about getting tested, and when he went to the doc i was surprised they even brought up Lyme disease, and even moreso that he tested positive.


You know what's funny is that with all the strange symptoms I've had over the past year.. that's one test they ran on me and I was puzzled by the fact that they even tested me for it. I did not test positive for it. But, with Lyme I guess it can produce alot of very strange symptoms. I'd say get the test. I'm sorry to hear that your H has it. I'm sure since thy found it right away he'll be just fine.



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I've had Lyme, and if you they catch it early and treat it correctly you are fine. If diagnosis is delayed or the wrong treatment prescribed there can be long term/residual affects.


You are facing this head on - I"m confident you will be fine

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:bunny::bunny::bunny:i do not have lyme disease!!!! :bunny::bunny::bunny:
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