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Body image and dating


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I am relativly new to the dating scene being 17 and have been barred off from it psychologically because I feel I my body image may hinder my sucess. I am overweight but have been going steady on a sucessful diet (Atkins) as well as exercize to help my self image.


I really feel the need to explore relationships and have noticed a girl which I am interested in but I am afraid I may ruin my chances with her because of my current body image of being fat. Should I get to know her? Should I wait until I am more confident in my body image from my diet/exercize? Does being overweight even matter? 270 at 6'1" ?



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before a girl can give you a chance, you've got to give yourself a chance. People are attracted to others who are somewhat okay with themselves; low self-esteem is a turn-off.


being overweight might initially cause someone to avoid you, but there ARE people out there who aren't so shallow, and who tend to bond with people because of personality compatibility, not because of looks.


taking control by going on a diet and exercising is a very positive move, and your self-esteem is going to grow. If you don't feel comfortable trying to blend into a social scene just yet, that's okay, but realize that being heavy isn't enough to keep you away from that scene.

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If she blows you off because of what you look like then that girl is so vapid and shallow that you wouldn't want to be with her if that is all she judges people on.


IMO I think that most people are attracted to people who are confident about themselves.


Keep up with the diet because that is good for you I've heard and it will improve your health and self esteem


By the way lots of girls like the "teddy bear" guys... ;);)

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