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1. Write a very nice Email to <e-mail address removed>


2. Be a very nice person


3. Be at a place that is not too far from where I might ordinariily be at sometime in the near future


4. Close your eyes, click your heels three times


5. Use nicely scented but mild cologne


6. Be rational and sane


7. Be barefooted in case you are swept off your feet


8. Watch for a return Email in your Email box


9. Be prepared for an experience beyond any you have ever dreamed of in your lifetime.


10. Wish very hard, pray very hard, and be a person who likes Butter Pecan or French Vanilla Ice Cream


11. Be a person who is bored with Queen Elizabeth


Any five of the above 11 will do....

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Hey Rebecca,


Thanks for asking, I think we've all been wondering the same thing... What part of earth do you find someone as sane and rational as Tony and always so right about everything. His girlfriends must be silly to try to fool him b/c he always knows what they're thinking, I guess or atleast he seems to always know what's going on.

How do I meet the infamous Tony?
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billy the kid

I really hope you girls know that Tony is 1000% heterosexual, and female!!!!

Hey Rebecca, Thanks for asking, I think we've all been wondering the same thing... What part of earth do you find someone as sane and rational as Tony and always so right about everything. His girlfriends must be silly to try to fool him b/c he always knows what they're thinking, I guess or atleast he seems to always know what's going on.
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I don't know who Billy the Kidd is, never met him in my life, but I assure you I am 1000% heterosexual, as he says, but I am also quite MALE with the necessary equipment to prove it.


I am not quite sure what the purpose of this post is but Billy is certainly free to write what he wants here, accurate or not.


To Billy: Once you lose your credibility, you have lost everything!!!

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D. To Tony

Tony, I would normally say you are sooooooooo full of yourself! LOL! However, knowing Tony personally, I can vouch that all he has said is 100% true~!


He is the best friend anyone could ever have, and has always been there for me, willing to drop any important business when I am in REAL need of his help. So, I just make sure not to take advantage of this as he IS a very busy man!


Again, Tony is the most sane, rational, funny, caring, thoughtful, brilliant, sensitive, emotionally strong, and so on and so on .... guy that I have ever known! He is just like a brother to me and I love him!


HUGS to Tony! D.

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