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How do I.....

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How do I find out if my long time good friend has had more than 'friendly' feelings for me? I mean, he's always been there for me. He's always managed to find me when no one else could. He's always been there even when I haven't been the best friend. He talks to me a lot about how things don't work out with the girls he tries to date. It would have never crossed my mind before, but now I'm starting to think maybe I should be giving him a closer look, but does he want me to? I'm confused. HELP! Lol.

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Ask him.....


"....I wonder what it would be like if we hooked up together....?"


And giggle.


See what happens.....

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I like Taramaiden's idea. Keeping it simple, light and fun that way should still get a reaction from him. I'm in a very similar situation and recently took this approach with my friend. It worked out well because his reaction was good and it didn't compromise our friendship at all. In fact we've gotten even closer as friends since then, which is not a bad thing. Keep in mind the friendship is a valuable thing, so to "hook up" is not something you can flip on like a light switch...this is what my friend and I recognized...so "baby steps", as we call it, is the best way to go.

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