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In love with good friend. dont know how to tell him...

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ok this might be kinda long...so thanx to those who read it.....and respond.


Okay here's the deal:

I am a senior in high school. I met this boy when we were both freshmen. We hit it off right away. It was so obvious from the beginning that we had this amazing connection that you don't find with many other people. I know that at first he had a crush on me becuase he would always follow me around, let me borrow money, etc. At first I just found it amusing...bc he's a kinda dorky and definetly of the wall guy....never met anyone quite so goofy and funny in my life. Then i suddenly started having feelings for him.


He never asked me out i think partly because his parents are crazy and hardly ever allow him out of the house and second becuase all his friends hated me. We kind of lost touch throught most of sophmore and junior years. though we continued to talk alot online and sometimes at school. Whenever we did I always noticed that I still hve feelngs for him.


This year we have a class together and I see him all the time. My feelings for him are so strong now. I think he might still like me too but with his personality it is hard to know what he really thinks about anything. I'm really really sick of us playign games with each other's emotions and I want this to all be out in the open once and for all.

Last nite I came home drunk and talked to his best friend online. His friend started out saying that this boy doesn't liek me but then later was saying stuff about how he thinks we should br together. I then admited to him that I really did like his friend alot and he said yeah he likes you too.


So now I don't know waht to do. I talked to him online today and he didn't mention anything., though I am positive that his friend has told him about our conversation. I want to resolve this once and for all. I am prepared for him to tell me that he doesn't like me or that he does but doesn't want a relationship. I don't even care what the reason is I just need to know once and for all waht is going on inside his head. This situation is eating me up inside. I think about him all the time and it kills me not to know what he is thinking.


I'm really scared to bring any of this up to him. I dun't know where to start. I dun't want to scare him off or make things awkward between us. (he is one of my best friends)


whew. any advice?

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Yeah, just be honest with him about how you feel. You don't have to get all deep and mushy on him, just tell him you like him, you want to get to know him better and would like to go out with him if that's fine with him. Either he'll say yes or he'll say no. If he does say no, are you still willing to stay his friend?

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ha. just read my post and wanted to apologize for the horrible spelling and grammar.


*sigh* I need help. I just almost said something to him online and chickend out right away. why do things have to be so complicated? why is he such an idiot?

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It's only complicated if you're not honest. If this is something you really want or want to see if it could happen, you have to tell him how you feel. He may very well know how you feel from his friend, but he may want to hear it from you.

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oh I'm definetly willing to stay friends with him. I've kind of accepted the fact that that may be all I will ever get from him. But there's a slight possibility that we could have something great...and I need to find out. I've learned from experience that nothing will ever make things awkward between us, so I'm not worried too much about the friendship ending.

But still. The thought of telling him how I fell scares me. Him and I have never ever been honest with each other about how we feel...I can't even imagine having a serious conversation with him. I don;t know what to do.

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