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i need help

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Can someone please help me?


I am a young guy with a girlfriend that is 15 years older she has 3 kids from her ex-husband none of which is a problem in any sense of the word.


The problem is for some time now we haven't been getting on well at all, which is something that as caused me a lot of pain and tears over the months, Because I have always loved her with all my heart and soul. In the 3 years that I been with her i have never thought about or wanted anyone else, until now, recently I changed my job and met a girl who works there that I can't stop thinking about, which again was fine by me because I thought it was just a phase because me and my girlfriend were arguing a lot. A few months have now passed and I have just found out that the other girl feels the same about me although she is married with kids.


So now you no the back ground here's the problem.


I don't want to hurt my girlfriend or the kids because I have strong feelings for them all, also I don't want to hurt the other girl's husband and kids and wreck her marriage. I know I should forget the other girl but I can't and god knows I have tried.


Should I leave my job? (Out of sight out of mind)


Should I leave my girlfriend? (I feel so guilty)


Please help I don't know what to do and the longer I leave it the worse it gets.

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You objective in life should be to make yourself happy. You are not happy in your currently relationship nor would you be happy shouldering the responsibility of breaking up a family.


In case you haven't found out by now, it is quite easy to be attracted to and fall for single ladies that come into your life from time to time. Wait around for them, they will come. You can actually fall in love with ladies who are mature, rational, sane, loving, forgiving, intelligent, open minded, who are single and with no children.


If there is a compelling reason why you must have a ready-made family, look for a young woman with children who is divorced and who is not seeing anyone.


You have to be extremely mature and patient to blend in with this sort of arrangement but it seems that's what you gravitate to.


So, get away from all the mess you are in now. Take a nice cool shower and wash all your current situations down the drain. Then set out to find a situation for yourself that is not riddled with all of the problems that you have in your life now.


Our stay on this planet is just too short for such chaos!!!

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I definatly think you need to sit down and assess your situation. You are with someone how much older, 15 years?


But I guess that isn't important. You need to understand other's feeling are very important but you are even more important. You need to decide what is going to bring you the most happiness and go for it.

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