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Am I escaping the friends zone? I find this interesting.

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Please excuse the length, I would love good feedback.


I was friendzoned all through high school, I didn't even look at other women. In college, my sophomore year I gave up and instantly got a girlfriend. During this time, we had much less contact (despite being neighbors, although we go to two different colleges).


My ex and I broke up last year, and I kept doing dating. I would talk about girls in front of her, and she was in a relationship. Second semester, she texted me, "Remember when we were friends?". We started to reconnect more over the phone and chatting onlnie.


Two months ago, she broke up with her ex. I asked her to be FWB, she said "it doesn't make me feel special, I don't do that stuff, and I don't look at you like that." Then she immediately said, "although having sex to your music would be fun /(points to a doll in my room) would be watching," and other teasing remarks.


We hung out a few times, and one time she started to tickle me. I wanted to play it off to show her I'm not tied to her, and she was touchy to me in a group. That night, we got back to a friend's basement and she laid on me. The ride home, I put on relaxing ambient music, she fell asleep, and then woke up and said "beautiful car ride home" and gave me a big hug.


(gets interesting)

We meet up for happy hour, and she said there is a guy she thinks is cute. I help her and him hit it off, and we leave and she's happy. I was tired since it was late, and she said "you seem quiet," and I told her I was legit happy and I am just exhausted. An hour later, we are on the subway, and I comment on how she thinks I cannot hit on women. She said "I'm basing it off of how you treat me, and the reason we never dated is because you never made me feel special." I let it go, didn't even grace her with a response. Later, we got ice cream in Times Square, and I pulled her by the hip into the place. She got it, she fed me a taste of hers, and I took her ice cream and spoon fed it to her by putting it onto her nose and chin. She was cracking up, calling me a jerk, and we walked pretty close back to the bus. She instantly put her head on me and then went to sleep.


I wanted to keep some distance to show I"m not as available as I used to be. Despite being neighbors, and working in a similar area, I didn't call her. One time I was driving, and she texted me "I had an awesome night" and I replied with "?". She said "lets just say it was fun", but I didn't respond because I was in the middle of a workout at the gym. She texted me with, "I take it you don't want to hear it..." and I said "i'm at the gym" and she told me to screw off, in short.


She got my work e-mail address, and started sending me some emails (nothing flirty, work monitored, but normal friendly stuff). I kept my responses short. She texted me while I was at a client with, "I need advice later for 10 mins", but I couldn't because I was busy. My response: "do it over txt, I cannot later" she said "it'll take 10 minutes", and I said "no, I am busy + have to sleep early, do it here" she said "i'm coming over later". I said "get someone else to ask b/c I can't do it today, tomorrow is fine." She said "if you need advice go **** yourself".


We didn't talk for a few days, and I finally asked her what she wanted. She said that her and the guy have been casually hooking up, she just wanted to talk about it. I kept my responses short. I dropped the name of a girl I was seeing, just to kind of show I'm still not there.


We didn't talk for about a week and a half then, but during it one weekend she texted me "where are you?" and I said "at home" and she said something back but I forgot it because it was random. She then told me the day after (in person, when I saw her outside) that she doesn't remember texting me anything because she drank. She then said "We haven't talked at all, you haven't called me lately" and I told her I was busy. She invited me to her pool later, and I did go for like 30 minutes, and I was very laid back. She commented that I wasn't talking much to her, and she then started tossing water on me from the pool. I jumped in, picked her up, and threw her in the pool. She looked real happy, and said she was surprised. We then threw each other in the pool. She invited me to her pool that night and I said "Can't, I'll be hanging with this girl Rachel". She asked questions like how I met her, how she is, and I was very short. Later, she hit me with a towel, and I hit her back with it and she said "don't! I have to look good naked" (prob. talking about that guy).


Next morning at the bus stop she told me that the guy made her dinner. I said "cool", she looked like she knew I was being short intentionally, and she asked how my girl I was on a date with was. I said "she's a little crazy." Topic immediately switched. And, like the past 2 weeks, we didn't give each other a hug before we got on the bus.


(most interesting part)

July 3rd, my buddy and I walk into her house. She immediately tickles my stomach. Some minutes later, she takes her bag and hits me in my ass with it. I don't react on purpose. I was intentionally being talkative to my buddy but being short to her (almost apathetic). She asked if I was okay, and I said "yep just chilling" and I made it obvious I was talkative to my buddy but less to her. During the day, she probably touched me a few more times, one time she gave me a hug and I didn't reciprocate it as she took a picture of us. I finally started to open up a bit more in conversation to her (almost equal to my buddy). Later that night, fireworks were going off, and my buddy was about 20 feet away. She came to my side, stood practically on my hip, and then bumped her ass into me without saying a word. I said "that didn't hurt" and she said "I wasn't trying to hurt you", and I just stood there without giving her attention as the show was going on. She stood on my side for about 20 seconds (I'd say close enough for me to hold her waist). I did nothing, she walked away. After, she fell asleep in the car, and I left saying bye to them both.


It's been a day since that (obviously). What do you think? Should I make a move?

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I think you should have made a move that night. If she needs someone to make her feel special kissing her during a fireworks show is a good way to do it. Everything else you did seemed to work exactly the way you wanted it to.


I dont think you were friendzoned nearly as long as you think though. It seems to me that once you put some distance between yourselves she started to get what she was missing. The other girls also probably helped too.

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