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Only 24 and already getting grey hairs? Can I pluck them?

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OMG, wore my hair split down the middle today and I noticed like 4 grey hairs just sitting there up top of my head! I am too young.....What can I do? If I pluck them will more grow ? Will they multiply? Help!

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Don't pluck them. Just cut them as close to the root as you can. It seems like if you pluck them a whole bunch more grow in where one was.


Are you experiencing a lot of stress? Might be a reason for the greys. I had a very traumatic experience a few months ago and I never would have believed it had it not happened to me, but my hair (not all of it) turned grey overnight. It has since returned to its normal color.


Some people just get grey hairs early in life. My mom's had greys since she was 11.

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No! Don't pluck them or they'll multiply!


Darn things have roots as stubborn as weeds. If you yank them from the top, they'll start sprouting out your ears!


Not speaking from personal experience, of course! :p

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:o So you mean I have to just live w/ em! Aaww man, then I guess I'll do what Iamamnothing suggested, I'll cut them down....Oh man!
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Plucking them will not make them mulitply. YOu can pluck them, or have you ever wanted to try a new hair color perhaps? Maybe now is a good time to persue that option. Anwya, its not uncommon, beleive it or not. Its just that so many people dye their hair(like me), that you never know. ;)

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I've had every color in da book, I was just looking forward to having it natural now.....but guess that's out the question....



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