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Where do I even start?

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Looking for advice and people to talk to who know how it feels...


I have been married for 2 years. We have a child who was born before we were married. We got together in college and now we are 23. Careers are different, in different cities and while we loved each other all along, we lost sight of that out of selfishness.


2 months ago, we got into a huge fight and I grabbed my wife by the wrists in that fight. She left and has been with her mother who lives 15 minutes from her workplace since. Our son has been bopping back and forth between the two of this. I don't want him to suffer through this two parents, two houses situation the rest of his life.


I know I screwed up..and I know I screwed up before. I have started seeing a counselor and tried to convey my willingness to move closer to her work and start over, but she just won't accept it. She and I have seen a counselor together once, but we have to start that again because of her schedule. She said she would see a counselor "If things don't work between the two of us, for us to have a more communicative relationship for our son".


So she goes out all the time, partying and playing with friends and not even spending her free time with our son when she is home. I am staying in our house some, some with my family.


I love her more than ever, and she says she doesn't love me right now. I don't believe she no longer loves me, but she has a fear to be with me.

Every time we have a good conversation, she looks immediately for a way to shut me down and kill the vibe that we have going. We were so good together, we just did too many things to hurt our marriage in the last 6 months and I hear her saying that it's too little too late. I don't believe in that principle.


Where do I start?

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Give her some space and start with you. REad some of the threads on this board for more info. Check out Lupas "Apart and Shaken" first I would suggest. Shes afraid of you and thats BIG TIME trouble. You have a long road ahead, take your time and make the right moves.


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