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Re: does he really love me?

billy the kid

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billy the kid

well If you say that he is in to drugs, yes he does love you, you are his play thing.... AND NOTHING MORE... get it he is using you.. sence you are asking there has to be a question in your mind... I usually beat around the bush and I'm not here... run like hell.. tlak to your parents school counsilor, Tony , any one just get away.. your life mental health, and well being are in grave danger....

i have a "boyfriend" who says he loves me but he does not act like it. when we are togethere he acts like i am not even there a lot of the time. i think it is my fault though. i do not get to spend much with him. i dont blame him. i really do love him!!! i think i am annoying him. he is kind of into drugs and stuff so that might have something to do with it.so does he love me?????????
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If he loved you, he would not be involved in drugs. He would not need drugs to make him feel good, alive, needed, etc. Your love would be sufficient.


If he loved you, he would not subject you to being arrested for possession of illegal substances. If he is caught with drugs and you are with him, you will be handcuffed and taken to Central Booking right along with him.


If he loved you, he would not want you to be a part of a life that could get worse, that could cause him to have ill health, a heart attack, or his death...either by overdose...or by being shot during a drug deal.


If he loved you, he would be expressive and affectionate and would want to be in your presence not only physicially but emotionally as well.


If he loved you, you would not have to ask the world via the Internet if he loves you.


But cheer up, I don't think he loves himself either.

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You state:


"he is kind of into drugs and stuff so that might have something to do with it."


Take it from one who knows ... you bet your sweet a$$ it has "something" to do with it! It has a LOT to do with it!


Get away! NOW! RUNNNNNNNN as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Do NOT look back. Have no further communcations with him.


Move on with your dating life and find someone who is drug free and capable of expressing affection, caring and thoughfullness as you are able to do in return.


I do hope you listen to me! I really do!

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Run Sarah Run:


Does he love you? Hell NO!!! He loves his "drugs and stuff". He also loves that you don't spend much time with him (more time for him to do drugs and stuff...) He also loves that you don't mind that he is "kind of into drugs and stuff? (by the way -- what stuff?) Question: Is there sex involved here? I'm thinking yes; if so, NO LOVE here - he is USING you, just like he's using drugs. You are a distraction, a temporary fix. If he is using, he isn't loving; he may not even know how to love. Love, the real thing, is the best high going. If drugs/alcohol are involved; love doesn't stand a chance (and you may think it's love - but know he's just saying the words - the ones he thinks you want to hear). AND if he really loved you, he wouldn't ignore you -- he would want to be with you, talk to you, and give you all his attention whenever he could.

i have a "boyfriend" who says he loves me but he does not act like it. when we are togethere he acts like i am not even there a lot of the time. i think it is my fault though. i do not get to spend much with him. i dont blame him. i really do love him!!! i think i am annoying him. he is kind of into drugs and stuff so that might have something to do with it.so does he love me?????????
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