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should I xall him out on the message I found or not?

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So due to some recent money issues me and my boyfriend have been living seperately, me staying with my mother, him with his sister some of the time...the other part of the time with his guy friend down the street. Well I kinda have some slight trust issues that I have been working on with him because he did cheat on me once before, so I like to go through his phone sometime and on his myspace sometimes, because I figure if he has nothing to hide from me then why not let me look. Well I got on there today and he was sending some girl a message saying something about what was she up too and calling her sexy. I really dont like that he did that, I dunno weather it would be fair for me to say not to talk to her again or just not to let me see messages like that again. I think it is rude and disrespectful to me because I am about to have his baby in a few more weeks inless she decides to come early, and I mean its not like I tell him he cant talk to anyone or keep him from having female friends while on the other hand he flips over me having any male friends. So should I call him out on this or no?

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Yes, you should definitely call him out on this. Having female friends and asking them what they're up to is fine, but calling someone else sexy is definitely not ok, especially if he's cheated before. Even though you're living apart at present, you're still in a relationship and are having a baby, so he definitely shouldn't be calling anyone else sexy! Also, him flipping out over you having male friends points to some serious trust and control issues on his part.

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Confront him. My ex exchanged naked pictures with some random girl he met at the bar and refused to delete her number when I confronted him. Right now we're trying to be friends afterwards, but I have a feeling this will fail miserably. So sooner or later he will be out of my life.

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You are quite right to be worried by that message because it could be a sign that he's thinking of cheating again. You need to discuss it with him.

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