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I really need support from you!!!

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I just can't belive all this is happening!!!!!!

I know...one big freakin' nightmare, right?

And even though you know all of us at LS care, it kind of still feels like you're alone and on your own, sometimes?


It feels like that, but it's not really like that. You're not alone, NL. We really DO care.

Love'n hugs,


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Ronni you don't know how much good you are doing for me!!!, I have been reading today the how to survive link that you send me, it is very, very good. Knowing that people like you care make me feel relief!, this is one of my lowest days since this started, I won't get tired fo saying thank you! to you, and the other that helped me here!, Hugs!!!!!!!

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Ronni's right. She has helped me immensely and the blessings of friends are with you. You will get through this one way or the other and you will go on. One must sometimes endure in order to prevail. Take comfort in our concern for you and realise YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We might not be with you in person but we are with you in spirit. Give yourself a hug from me right now.:) You sound a wonderful, caring person and you have my respect.

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Thank you Leveller!!!! I gave me the Hug you send me, your words are very soothing, they really are, you are all the best!!!, people like all of you gives me hope for my present and my future!, I hope next time I meet someone is at list a little bit like you guys!, even if is just a very very little bit, thats gonna be a good start!, Thanks!!! a Hug for you too!

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Ronni you don't know how much good you are doing for me!!!, I have been reading today the how to survive link that you send me, it is very, very good. Knowing that people like you care make me feel relief!, this is one of my lowest days since this started, I won't get tired fo saying thank you! to you, and the other that helped me here!, Hugs!!!!!!!


Thank YOU for taking the time to post that! Leveller said it true: You are a wonderful and caring person :love:.

If he won't mind, I'm going to piggy-back on his hug and ask you to please give yourself ANOTHER one...so give yourself a double-hug, please.


(I'm glad the link is helping - the author did a got job with it, I agree.)

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Your hug from you to me was also gratefully received. I feel a group hug coming on...:love: You will be okay in time I promise. You might have good and bad days but the night is darkest before the dawn. You won't feel this way forever.:) Ronni, you know me. Far from mind, I encourage it.

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I feel a group hug coming on...:love:

:love: Group hug...group hug!!! :love::bunny:

Leveller, I kinda suspected you wouldn't mind.

And NL, you're right -- WHEN (not 'if') your guy has Leveller's qualities, gifts and talents...you sure will be having a really good guy!

Thank you, guys -- you're very much appreciated. I am most grateful.

And a nod to the 'keepers' of LoveShack, too -- of course.

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Group hug!!!!!!!!!! :love:, I really felt it!!!!, I really did!!!, you surely are doing a grate job keeping me up!!!!!! :), Thanks!, you make my day bright again when I read your posts!!!

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you make my day bright again

It's a 2-way street, NL -- YOU make my day bright!

I totally felt the group hug, too. Weird, isn't it, how that works? Like we think it's just a keyboard and a screen...but it's not just that.

Er, where is the "waxing philosophical" board??? I think I better head on over there :) But before I go...

Another group hug? :love: The best!

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You put a smile on my face!!!, I really love group hugs!!!, and it is true!!!, you can feel people so close even if they are very far, just by knowing that they care!!!, GROUP HUG!!!!!

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Hello you guys!, well the update!, todafy I feel sad!, buy I haven't cry yet today, so I think that is a start!!!, I'm not in a very good mood with people around me, specially my parent!!!, I think im to old to live at their hoome LOL!, Today I made Pita chips and Humus, I was craving Humus or pita chips! who knows. The most difficult for me right now is work!!!, I don't want to go to work, I just want to lay on bed all day!. I have been reading a lot also, specially self esteem and positive thinking material, I know that before loving anyone, I need to fall deeply in love with me, well, and how are you doing today?????

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Hey NL.

Things are good! From your posts, it sounds as if you have plenty to fall in love with...so achieving your goal of falling deeply in love with yourself may be a lot easier than you might be thinking, right now :)


It's great that you are indulging your cravings...that is good for the heart and soul (and stomach, of course.)


As Leveller said, there will be good and bad days, so don't worry too much if you still find yourself needing to cry or whatever. It's all just grief-release, anyway, which is a good thing.


It can be tough to stay motivated enough to go about the "normal drudgery" of earning a living and staying on top of bills, laundry and cleaning -- what are your plans to ensure that you just keep doing what you need to do in order to STAY deeply and passionately :love: in love with yourself?

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Hello Ronni!!!, well I have to tell you that I slept all this afternoon, and I waked up if a very bad tension head ache, oh byt the way the guy delete me also from msn, i just can't belive it, like if I did something wrong!!!!!!!!!!! thats how is feel.


About falling in love with me, I most recognize to my self that I have good qualities and that is deserve respect and love, and that I am a whole lot of things, not just this or that. I will really have to work very hard on it because with this situation I saw I don't love me self much, because if I did, I wouldn't want him to come back, and if i love my self I would recognize other qualities in me beside "virginity". I can't feel like i have nothing to offer, i just can't, and I know it, but is hard to me to feel confortable specially with that. Like you said, good days and bad days, Im still having half good days half bad days!. I just have, I most put my self together!, and I have to stop thinking that a man will make me happy or unhappy, I really need to be happy by my self right now!, really happy!!!, pobably I'll need help for that!, because I'm tough judge with my self!!!, sometimes to harsh, I need to stop punishing me for everything I thing I did wrong. Hugs! for all of you!!!!!

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Hello Ronni!!!, well I have to tell you that I slept all this afternoon, and I waked up if a very bad tension head ache, oh byt the way the guy delete me also from msn, i just can't belive it, like if I did something wrong!!!!!!!!!!! thats how is feel.


About falling in love with me, I most recognize to my self that I have good qualities and that is deserve respect and love, and that I am a whole lot of things, not just this or that. I will really have to work very hard on it because with this situation I saw I don't love me self much, because if I did, I wouldn't want him to come back, and if i love my self I would recognize other qualities in me beside "virginity". I can't feel like i have nothing to offer, i just can't, and I know it, but is hard to me to feel confortable specially with that. Like you said, good days and bad days, Im still having half good days half bad days!. I just have, I most put my self together!, and I have to stop thinking that a man will make me happy or unhappy, I really need to be happy by my self right now!, really happy!!!, pobably I'll need help for that!, because I'm tough judge with my self!!!, sometimes to harsh, I need to stop punishing me for everything I thing I did wrong. Hugs! for all of you!!!!!


The anwsers are within you. You are a strong person and you will prevail. Look to yourself and look after yourself...big hug.:)

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Thank you Leveller, I know what you mean, and be sure I will try. Im really trying to feel happy, but is hard when you find your self all alone, I don't even want to see some of my friend, because they remind me of him, stupid right?, Im even considering going away, I really don't know what is the best right know, I really tried this week to put things in order (my daily routine), but I couldn't do it!, let see if I have better luck this next week!. Hope you the best!!!!, a BIG HUG for you!!!! :)

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Hello!, today is kind of a hard day, because every day that goes by, is another they I haven't heard from him!, so it is another day that I realize he didn't care for me it is very hard when you trusted that person with all you heart, and he just didn't care, not even a little bit!, I wasn't important at all for him, not even as a friend.

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Thanks Leveller!!!, lets see if i can open the song, I hope so!. I really want to leave this place, I want to go away so bad!, I really don't know where, and the stupid word "why, why, why, why, why" just don't get out of my mind, I just want him to come back!, if there is anything I could do for him to come back, anything!!!!, I really miss him!, I miss him so much, I feel lonely and sick, I wont be able to survive this, this is to hard for me to handle. A hug for you Leveller.

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Hey NL.

Yes, for sure it can be exhausting and depleting when you're going through a break-up, and you will miss him sometimes...but that feeling will fade. And when you're feeling really, really low it may feel like he is your solution.

But you ALREADY know that your solution is to deeply love yourself :love: -- maybe the answer to "why?" is, "So that you can learn how to fall deeply and permanently in love with yourself, Nanalinda!!!"

Hang in there...focus on loving yourself; think compassionate thoughts about yourself; do kind acts for yourself; remind yourself of your strengths, gifts and talents.

BIG hugs.

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Hey NL.

Yes, for sure it can be exhausting and depleting when you're going through a break-up, and you will miss him sometimes...but that feeling will fade. And when you're feeling really, really low it may feel like he is your solution.

But you ALREADY know that your solution is to deeply love yourself :love: -- maybe the answer to "why?" is, "So that you can learn how to fall deeply and permanently in love with yourself, Nanalinda!!!"

Hang in there...focus on loving yourself; think compassionate thoughts about yourself; do kind acts for yourself; remind yourself of your strengths, gifts and talents.

BIG hugs.

Ronni, I must say you're one of the kindest,sweetest people on this site! How someone could leave you is amazing to me. :cool:

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Thank you so much for taking the time. You made me cry!

You're very much appreciated :love:

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You are all amazing!!!, why this Je.. is not more like you guys!, I mostly feel stupid, for beliving he was different, I hate my self for that, I thought i was smarter than this!, guess not, sometimes I think no one will ever love me, Im really trying to feel better, but every where I go, everything I do, it just remind me of him, well guys thanks for your word, Im hanging in here thanks to you!!!, Hugs!!!!!!!

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Hello you guys!!!!, Im very sorry to disappoint all of you! by being so negative, I just can't see the light!!!!, today I give up!, I just can't anymore, I can actually feel something broken inside of me, and that isn't probably normal, right????. Im really tired of trying for now, I just want to rest and give up, It's like trying to get out of a well with marble walls!, you just keep slippering down the walls, and never can't get out!, Im very sorry for being so lame, Hugs for you!!!!

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