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My Boyfriends Mother


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My current boyfriend was with his ex for 6 1/2 years they have a child together. Now that they are seprated she doesn't allow his mother (grandma) to keep the child over night or visit him. So this in turn makes my bf mother call him and start complaing to him and makeing him feel like he's worthless. I feel so bad when he gets like that, he walks around with his head down like he's nothing. His mother has made him feel like this ever since he was a child, he told me. When he was younger his mother told him that he should get a vestcomcy because he didn't need to be haveing any childern. I can't beleive his own mother would tell him something like that.


I want to help him, I want him to know that he is worth something. He's worth alot. I ask him why he contunies to talk to her, he stated because she's my mother well yeah I guess thats what families are suppose to do stick together. He's so loved and he doesn't even know it.

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well, no mother should tell her child that it is just wrong, and incredibly baad for a person's self-esteem, and their out look on life, he is probably always seeking her approval...maybe...that is probably why he stays in contact with her


But he really should get away from her, and if he is nothing like she says the she won't miss him b/c it shouldn't matter to her...


Gosh that is just so wrong!


I hope that your b/f stops letting her do that b/c no one deserves it.

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