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There is a five year difference between the guy I like and me. He's younger, tho he looks and acts older than me!! Yet he seems really hung up on the age thing. He's 34, and I'm about to turn 39. He dreams about the perfect woman who's 19 but has the mind of a 35 year old.


My body's days of being 19 are long over! lol. But I would like a way to really bring home to him that the age thing shouldn't matter. Words don't seem to be enough.


Any ideas, anyone? I need a ploy...



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If he's hung up on the age thing, do yourself a favor and don't go there. He'll break your heart. By announcing to you his dreams about the perfect woman, he has put you on notice that he falls for the young chirpies and there is a constant flow of those always.


There is a vast supply of men that would love to be with you just exactly like you are, with your body and at your age. If you persue this guy as more than a buddy, you are guaranteed a broken heart.


As far as ploys, be comfortable and happy with who you are and the right person will come into your life.


Men's attraction to young women is a primitive instinct having to do with biological drives and the desire to reproduce. It's one of those stupid nature tricks and it's a real bitch to deal with sometimes. The poor guy just can't help it.

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You state:


"He dreams about the perfect woman who's 19 but has the mind of a 35 year old."


I hate to be the one to break this to you if you are not already painfully aware ....... but even if you were able to "land him", his "dreams" would continue. He would still be attacted to meeting that perfect 19 year old. That he has the mind of a 35 year old matters not ... his preference is for a 19 year old and you bet your bippy he will continue to be on the look out no matter what your relationship is with him.


Be glad as heck you know this now so that you will not suffer the heartache of being dumped, especially for a younger woman. You are at an advantage knowing what you do. What about all the poor women who have no clue and are suddenly asked for a divorse or dumped as their husband or boyfriend had found the "new, improved, younger model"


Count yourself lucky and do not date him exclusively. There is no happy future in it. See others as well as him (if if were me, I would dump him all together, I must admit!) and find others who are deserving of all the wonderful things you have to offer!


Best of luck

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What do you mean you need a ploy? NOT!!! (unless dieting, excercise, and liposuction are on your agenda) If this guy is really dreaming about the "perfect woman", tell him to dream on. Me and mine have a 10-year-spread and both know age does not matter. Occasionally we have age-related differences but are able to work them out and appreciate each others way of looking at things. THAT's what its all about. Maybe when he gets a little OLDER he'll learn that age not only shouldn't but doesn't have to matter.

There is a five year difference between the guy I like and me. He's younger, tho he looks and acts older than me!! Yet he seems really hung up on the age thing. He's 34, and I'm about to turn 39. He dreams about the perfect woman who's 19 but has the mind of a 35 year old. My body's days of being 19 are long over! lol. But I would like a way to really bring home to him that the age thing shouldn't matter. Words don't seem to be enough. Any ideas, anyone? I need a ploy... LT
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