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emotional affair on internet site

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Well to begin with we have been married 28 yrs. He finds a "Police" site and starts chatting it up with this person. They had secreat emails,im, phone calls,texting ect.

I believe it started in Febuary while I was out of state visiting my mom.

He call and "was not sure if he wanted to be married anymore" ect.

I came home went about things as usual and then, I caught him.

he admitted it and was confused (this *****)lives 8 hrs away.

He actually had the gall to im and email her with me sitting there till I exploded.


Things got really rocky I left and came back. He broke things off with her,and as far as my "snooping" goes he has.

He has apologize and is trying to show me. But I just am not able to trust him.

I saw things they posted online about being there best friends and so glad that they came into their lives.


We have repeated dissusstions on all the hurtful, demeaning and devastation he allowed to happen.

I told him he needs to understand my anger and feelings. He gets all flustrated.

I feel like I am at a point to just be hurt and not express myself. Very hard to do.

I think about all the time and I am sick of the power she has taken and her. And him for allowing it to start. I told him all of her pics, numbers everything leaves this house and computer.

There was no physical exchange only talking. AT my expense. I have become so depressed, angry, worthless and I have no self esteem left.


Any help out there? I would appreciate it.

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Sorry for you... 28 years marriage.


Consider asking him to MC..


Have you ever cheated on him?


Do you think he still love you?

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Citizen Erased
I dont see how its possible to grow infatuated with someone over the internet





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