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Do you want a big sparkly, diamond ring too, NTLS?


I admit it. I do!! I want a big, sparkly rock!!! :bunny: (Like TBF's... :love:)

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I guess men just don't feel the same way about their female partners.


I know mine does, and he makes sure I know, too. :) Every now and again, out of nowhere, he'll me how proud he is of me and all that I've accomplished, how much he admires me, how I make him feel so loved and appreciated. He also cleverly adds compliments about my appearance. ;) He's tells me that he feels like the luckiest man in the world, and like he won the lottery. I'm his favorite person, and he's mine.



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So your man feels warm and safe with you and you're overprotective and overcaring?


Yup - you can ask him! I'm not sure about "over"protective, as neither of us is this way. If, instead, you mean, do you "have each others' backs," well then the answer is a RESOUNDING yes!


I personally don't believe that "overcaring" is either a valid word or a valid concept. How can one care too much for another? Do I love him with everything in me? Will I stand by his side no matter what? Would I gladly lay my life down for his? Again, a RESOUNDING yes.


How do I treat the other men in my life? The same way I treat anyone in my life, OP - the way I want to be treated. Concept sound familiar to you?:o

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It seems whenever this type of thread pops up the women gush over their partners but I guess men just don't feel the same way about their female partners.


Men aren't that articulate when it comes to expressing their feelings/emotions. Then again, I'm talking about some men on LS. As for my man - he has always been upfront about how he feels about me. He always thank me for all the things I do for him even as small as making him a cup of coffee. He loves to surprise me (apparently, the look on my face when I am surprised is too cute :rolleyes::laugh:).


Another great thing about him is that I don't really have to hear him say things about how he feels about me, how he appreciates me, how lucky he is to have me - he SHOWS them.


I admit it. I do!! I want a big, sparkly rock!!! :bunny: (Like TBF's... :love:)


:laugh: I'm sure you'll get one! Just a matter of time.. ;)

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I admit it. I do!! I want a big, sparkly rock!!! :bunny: (Like TBF's... :love:)


Hee hee! You made me smile, Star Gazer...


I have something I adore just even more than my big, sparkly rock, though (and yes, I DO have one of those, too ;)) - the man who loved(s) me enough to put it on my finger & pledge to be with me "til death do us part.":)

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I have something I adore just even more than my big, sparkly rock, though (and yes, I DO have one of those, too ;)) - the man who loved(s) me enough to put it on my finger & pledge to be with me "til death do us part.":)


I know something of my man that is big and ... rock hard that I ADORE SO MUCH...



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Hee hee! You made me smile, Star Gazer...


I have something I adore just even more than my big, sparkly rock, though (and yes, I DO have one of those, too ;)) - the man who loved(s) me enough to put it on my finger & pledge to be with me "til death do us part.":)


Oh, I agree. I love him more than I'll ever love any piece of jewelry.


(But I still want a huge diamond - they're so pretty! :laugh:)

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I know something of my man that is big and ... rock hard that I ADORE SO MUCH...




Lyssa, you BAD girl! Although I'm sure you're talking about his brain inside his skull, right?;)

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I'm curious to see your response to my last question(s), NTLS - hope they don't get lost in the last flurry of responses. The post is on page 4 of this thread...

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Lyssa, you BAD girl! Although I'm sure you're talking about his brain inside his skull, right?;)




Oh yeah.. that too.



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Yup - you can ask him! I'm not sure about "over"protective, as neither of us is this way. If, instead, you mean, do you "have each others' backs," well then the answer is a RESOUNDING yes!


I personally don't believe that "overcaring" is either a valid word or a valid concept. How can one care too much for another? Do I love him with everything in me? Will I stand by his side no matter what? Would I gladly lay my life down for his? Again, a RESOUNDING yes.


How do I treat the other men in my life? The same way I treat anyone in my life, OP - the way I want to be treated. Concept sound familiar to you?:o


Agree 100%. Yeah, that "overcaring" thing made me laugh. WTF?


I know something of my man that is big and ... rock hard that I ADORE SO MUCH...




Bad girl Lyssa!:laugh:

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Agree 100%. Yeah, that "overcaring" thing made me laugh. WTF?


My thought, exactly, Touche - what does that MEAN??? That's like saying, "Are you overhappy?" :lmao:

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Lyssa, you BAD girl!


Bad girl Lyssa!:laugh:




Well it is something wonderful so I had to post about that! :p

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My thought, exactly, Touche - what does that MEAN??? That's like saying, "Are you overhappy?" :lmao:


Well it's been implied before on LS that my happiness is fake and made up but yeah, I'm "overhappy.":laugh: And I overcare for my family who overlove me.:lmao:

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People need to just get OVER it Touche! :p They're just bitter 'cause they don't have what you've got. ;)


Oh I know, donna. It really doesn't bother me. I laugh. I feel sorry for them that they've never known a certain type of happiness to the point where they disbelieve someone who says they have that.


It's just like those women who don't believe you when you say you have a man who has never cheated on you. They just don't believe it. Is that sad or what? I can't imagine not believing someone when they tell me that. I guess they've never experienced it themselves. And for many people, what they've never experienced themselves means it just doesn't exist.


Sad, isn't it?


I wasn't even going to post about Mr. T at all on here because of the flak I've gotten. I've been accused of bragging. But so what? If I have something to brag about then by God I'll do so, dammit!:laugh: Like it or lump it.:p


Maybe those people will one day have something to brag about. I hope so. And I'll be here to listen and be happy along with them. I won't tell them they're making it up like they do.

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Touche, don't worry about it. For some people, due to internal unhappiness, will deny happiness for anyone else since it can't possibly be true. What they fail to see, is that what they deem as perfection, isn't that abnormal of a life. Pretty pathetic...

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Touche, don't worry about it. For some people, due to internal unhappiness, will deny happiness for anyone else since it can't possibly be true. What they fail to see, is that what they deem as perfection, isn't that abnormal of a life. Pretty pathetic...


Very, very true. I even see this with my own sister. She will make her little digs about my life and giggle. She's miserable so I kind of take it and don't get too crazy. She has nothing.


But yeah, that's what miserable people do. Well some anyway. Even when I was miserable in my life, I couldn't deny other people's happiness. I never understood that. How will denying another's happiness or denigrating it in some way, improve MY lot in life? It wouldn't. So I didn't.

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And all the time you were waiting for your "snowman" to make his appearance you NEVER behaved that way! You've ALWAYS championed others' relationship happiness. :)


Yes, Donna. I just now wrote about that before seeing this. That does say a lot about a person, doesn't it?


It's just like the people on here who are suffering but will still reach out to help others. And then there are those who NEVER do so but instead wallow in their own crap.

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He goes to Starbucks and buys us coffee while I'm sleeping in on Saturday morning because he knows I am exausted after a long week at work. Sometimes if I'll have a rough day he will leave me a little note or he will put my bear in a funny position that will make me laugh. There is nothing wrong with having a bear by the way....:)

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Touche, don't worry about it. For some people, due to internal unhappiness, will deny happiness for anyone else since it can't possibly be true. What they fail to see, is that what they deem as perfection, isn't that abnormal of a life. Pretty pathetic...


I totally agree. It's a shame, really.

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There is nothing wrong with having a bear by the way....:)


Simply having one, not necessarily. But still sleeping with one and even watching TV with it at your side, and going so far as to have a mock "operation" on it, because it's "so important" to you at 26 years old, yes.



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Simply having one, not necessarily. But still sleeping with one and even watching TV with it at your side, and going so far as to have a mock "operation" on it, because it's "so important" to you at 26 years old, yes.




Haha, that's so funny you are judging me.


It actually means that I have something I care about so much and I love..it basically shows my kindness and how passionate I am. I guess a lot of people wouldn't understand that though.

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Touche, as one who shares in the overloving loving of an overcaring, overly happy husband, I can relate to what you're saying. People don't believe me either (that a couple can be as happy & well-suited as HsPapa & I are), 'til they see us together. Even then, though, there are some of those naysayers who say, "Well, yeah, you act like that when other people are around, but what about when it's just the two of you?"


Can't please everybody & I don't even try...it's much easier to sit back in my overhappy, overlyblessed, overlywonderful marriage & just shake my head at those who are so blinded by not having it that they resent those of us who do.



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Haha, that's so funny you are judging me.


It actually means that I have something I care about so much and I love..it basically shows my kindness and how passionate I am. I guess a lot of people wouldn't understand that though.


Uhm, LB it's an inanimate object. Just sayin'. I mean I love my shoes too. Does that show my kindness and passion?

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Haha, that's so funny you are judging me.


It actually means that I have something I care about so much and I love..it basically shows my kindness and how passionate I am. I guess a lot of people wouldn't understand that though.


While I get it (I think), seems to me that that kind of kindness & passion would be better served in a relationship with a real-life SO?

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