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Anyone else feel like men get less out of relationshisp than women?

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The Collector
Cool, I don't have to go to work tomorrow? :bunny:


We still need secretaries and waitresses. Teachers too, because another advantage women have is that if they choose to work around children they aren't automatically suspected of being a kiddie-fiddler.

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Actually the 76 cent stat is NOT. Read carefully - it's a sum of money earned by women divided per woman, compared to the same for men. NOT corrected for what the job is so sorry sweetie cheeks.


clv0116 - it's very obvious that ALL us women are idiots, know-nothings & you, my dear, are the king of all mankind. Sweetie cheeks, huh? Ok, Stud Muffin, we'll just bow down to your superior intelligence. I give up on trying to "fight the good fight" with you...it's like going into battle against an unarmed man who is too rigid/unbending to go get weaponry.


Have a most wonderful day, Stud Boy!;)

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Cool, I don't have to go to work tomorrow? :bunny:


Dang it all, Citizen - wish I'd known I didn't have to come in today or go on a 3-day business trip to a city where it's supposed to be 104 degrees today...Shoulda checked the boards before I went to bed, huh?! :p

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or go on a 3-day business trip to a city where it's supposed to be 104 degrees today


Let me know when you're in town; I've got some laundry that needs doing. :)

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Let me know when you're in town; I've got some laundry that needs doing. :)


Will do, Gorilla - just make sure you trash the house, have no food there (so I can go shopping for you, too), have plenty of pots & pans for me to use to cook your meals for the next month, and any other little bitty thing your heart desires that this lowly serving wench can take care of for you! :lmao:

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Since no one is currently doing GT's laundry, does that mean his wife is like the woman described in the OP?! :eek:


Don't get me started on what else Mrs. Gorilla won't do for me; HS will be scared to darken my doorway.

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Don't get me started on what else Mrs. Gorilla won't do for me; HS will be scared to darken my doorway.


Hey, Gorilla...actually I'm ALREADY scared to darken your doorway! ;)

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Hey, Gorilla...actually I'm ALREADY scared to darken your doorway! ;)




It's the avatar, isn't it? For what it's worth, I AM considering dental implants. And giving up the heroin.

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The type of men that get more out of R would be - MM :D. He gets the best of both.

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Okay, you guys. Just remember to not be too proud to ask for help. When crass stupidity results in the process of "making everything else" go horribly wrong, you know we'll always be there to lend a hand

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That avie IS scary, GT.:eek:


Yeah, but on the upside, it greatly disturbs Ariadne. I'm a silver lining kind of guy.


Although it's tough to think of an upside to having both of your hands blown off. Handling the ladles and cutlery with your feet may prove tricky.

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Of course men get less out of a relationship. Generally speaking, we need less out of relationship. Therefore, we get less.

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The Collector
Okay, you guys. Just remember to not be too proud to ask for help. When crass stupidity results in the process of "making everything else" go horribly wrong, you know we'll always be there to lend a hand


Exactly. This is what happens when you mix men and baking. We introduce liquid nitrogen. We're just too creative and destructive by gender. But you're right, nursing is an excellent career for a woman and you might snag a handsome doctor too!

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- it's very obvious that ALL us women are idiots, know-nothings & you, my dear, are the king of all mankind.


Posture all you like, I came to the table with facts and you can't deal with it sugar puss. BTW I don't think I'm king of all mankind. Just smarter than you.



Also, IG and I know each other a little bit, she understands that I just play a pr*ck on TV. No need to defend her, she's got claws of her own ;)

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C'mon clv this is completely nonsensical.


The statistics are for men vs. women doing THE SAME JOB.


Actually, CLV did read the stat correctly. Its an average over all jobs for women vs. for all jobs for men. BUT......its still a travesty. It should be 1-to-1 and not showing one being 24% less than the other.


Actually the 76 cent stat is NOT. Read carefully - it's a sum of money earned by women divided per woman, compared to the same for men. NOT corrected for what the job is so sorry sweetie cheeks.



In my last job, I made more than the man that was doing the same job as I was. And I was livid because I had more experience, education, AND did a much better job than he did. The reason they gave me for not practically doubling my salary over his instead of only paying me a couple dollars more per hour, was I was "pregnant" and would be facing "family concerns" more often and his W was a stay-at-home mom and didn't need his help!!!!


So yeah, some women do make more than men in the same job, but the stat shows that some women are apparently making MUCH less than some men and driving down the ratio.

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Actually' date=' CLV did read the stat correctly.[/quote']


It's not really IG fault, the stat is intentionally presented in a deceptive way. One has to read very carefully to understand what is being compared and why it's useless as a measure of almost anything.


I just like calling her sugar pants.

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How long does it take a woman's BODY to get ready for sex? Much longer, I assure you, regardless of age.


I'm not so sure this is true. The woman I'm currently dating is ready and also finishes up a lot faster than I do, in fact most of the women I've been with finish in 10 or 15 minutes, so I don't understand where this idea comes from.

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..... Women are starting to make more money than their spouses. Women have a higher enrollment in college. Single motherhood is on the rise.


It's so hard to get the story straight I guess. Is it 76 cents on the dollar or not?




So, men have to go to war?


Anthropologists say that for procreation purposes men are expendable.


WTF do you think goes on in a battlefield anyway? That's NOT the weapon of choice yo know?

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Exactly. This is what happens when you mix men and baking. We introduce liquid nitrogen. We're just too creative and destructive by gender. But you're right, nursing is an excellent career for a woman and you might snag a handsome doctor too!


Mix me and nursing, and I too would be liable to introduce liquid nitrogen.

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Actually' date=' CLV did read the stat correctly. Its an average over all jobs for women vs. for all jobs for men. BUT......its still a travesty. It should be 1-to-1 and not showing one being 24% less than the other.[/quote']


Not at all - some work is worth more than some other work, and people who work more hours are likely to earn more overall as well.

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How do we change this?


Women need to have permits to carry automatic weapons. Using their superior intelligence and intuition, they will know who should live and who should die. ;)


Seriously, why would you even want to? You can choose any path you wish in life. Don't let women limit you.

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LOL, had one of those (very protective mother). Not a great way to function effectively in existing society. Ask my wife :)


Hope you can work through this. MC helped me a lot, letting go of unhealthy obsessions about injustices, especially emotional ones.

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Not at all - some work is worth more than some other work, and people who work more hours are likely to earn more overall as well.


It is a travesty because men and women should be paid the same if they are doing the same job with the same credentials and so on.


You won't catch me disagreeing that some work is more valuable than other work. But.....and this is a big BUT, we really need to be clear on what the valuable work is.


See, we claim that the work that involves taking care of our children is the most important job in the world and yet we pay child care workers next to nothing by stating that "anyone could do it". Or people like me who have taken leave of very lucrative jobs and stay home to do it for free. Either its the most valuable and important job and we should be paid fairly for it, or its just "women's work" that always is hyped up as important but underpaid. And I feel this way whether its a SAHM or a SAHD.


It just seems that the work that actually gets things done is dismissed as repetitive and simple (secretaries, wait staff, customer service reps, etc.) by those who don't want to pay for it. If those workers went on strike one day, whole companies would be shut down until they went back to work.


But having said all this, I don't think that the solution is to raise the lowest salaries to something higher. I think the solution is to lower the overinflated salaries. Which is what it appears the economy is doing for us.

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It is a travesty because men and women should be paid the same if they are doing the same job with the same credentials and so on.


But ... that's not what this figure says. How is it a travesty that women make 76 cents to mens dollar if they're really doing 76 cents of work?



You won't catch me disagreeing that some work is more valuable than other work. But.....and this is a big BUT' date=' we really need to be clear on what the valuable work is.[/quote']


It's worth what it pays.



See' date=' we claim that the work that involves taking care of our children is the most important job in the world and yet we pay child care workers next to nothing by stating that "anyone could do it".[/quote']


Important and well compensated are not the same. Being able to shoot a basketball well is not important at all. It can pay a LOT.



It just seems that the work that actually gets things done is dismissed as repetitive and simple (secretaries' date=' wait staff, customer service reps, etc.) by those who don't want to pay for it. If those workers went on strike one day, whole companies would be shut down until they went back to work.[/quote']


No, other unskilled people would be quickly trained and those people would be out of work.



But having said all this' date=' I don't think that the solution is to raise the lowest salaries to something higher. I think the solution is to lower the overinflated salaries. Which is what it appears the economy is doing for us.[/quote']


If I earned the same as a table waiter, I'd take a job waiting tables until I found something that paid better.

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