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- Rebound Type Relationship want to make it work. Ladies?

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Hi Guys.


This time last year I was dumped by my GF of 10 years. I started NC in september. Met another girl in November and had been seeing her for 6 months. 1 month ago I broke up with her because well I think I still hadnt healed from the previous relationship. The first thing I did after breaking up with her was to break NC and it was the BEST thing I did. Why? Because my ex told me she has been seeing someone since last sept and LIVING with him since february. LOL And I know him (nice guy by the way). Total closure. I had NO plans to get back with her, but I still needed this for some reason. It put to bed any doubts I had. I broke NC because I was ready to face whatever she told me and what she said did not affect me one bit. Im back into NC mode now though. :) It gives you power.


So my predicament is this. The new Girl.. well she has blown the socks off me. I never thought about having kids with the ex (she hates them) but I get the feeling from this new girl.. I pretty much want to marry her and have my babies. Now I know what the deal is with Rebound relationships.. there is a tendencey to over commit.. which is why I am wondering what to do next. Its been good having a break, so that I can think things through and sort out my feelings for the new girl. I also wanted time to 'work' on myself beacuse I still feel like it was my fault the 10 year relationship failed (i recently got diagnosed with ADHD). She is besotted with me.. but not the point were she will put up with much more of my indecisiveness.

If I am sure that I love her but still feel that I need to work on myself personally .. is it right for me to keep us apart?

She just wants me for who I am. But I am worried that I havent had enough time out... I miss her loads though. Feels silly not being with her, and I want to know how to appoach this.. really carefully. I hate the fact I dumped her.


Any advice. Im a bit confused.



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