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Will i hear from him again?

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I would like some advice if possible...I am in my late 20's ...could say I have self esteem issues even though people say i am attractive. I dont go out that much and have not dated alot. About a month ago I was introduced to a guy from Europe...he is from Hungary where I was born. So, it was nice to meet him...he was only here for a few weeks so it was cool to hang out with him. We had a really nice time...and I saw him a few times...not as much as I would have liked to. I work 6 days a week...he was here on business and then was going to see the US for the first time ...driving. One nite over dinner he was saying that it would be nice to go with someone since going alone is lonely...he didnt really say that he wanted me to go with him but was hinting...of course since i have issues i didnt say well iw ould go but cant cause of work. ONe of those things where you hit yourself for not saying what you should have. Anyways, make long story short....i saw him the nite before he left...we had a great time...i was excited to meet someone from my country...doestn happen alot. That nite he said he would stop by my job before he left to get my email so he can write me and send me pictures from a day trip we had. He did stop by that morning, i gave him my email, he gave me a hug, and he said maybe next time you will visit me... What i am confused about is this...i contacted with a little over a week after he left...sent him a text message saying i hope he is having fun and everything is ok...he wrote back saying he was fine and where he was and that he will email me. I didnt respond to the text cause i assumed that he will write me when he can..shoudl i have? I am not sure how long he is gone for(he said like 3weeks) but its going to be a month the 15th of july...my question is why has he not wrote me since and is this even worth for me to think about..we do live in 2 different countries...i guess i just really liked him and i think my self esteem issues might have ruined it...but i would still like to be his friend and hear from him...any advice would help!

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No you're fine. The ball is in his court. If he responds, he does -- if not, his loss.


It's not worth thinking about, whatever happens will happen and you can not change that. Good luck. :)

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