obscure Posted July 14, 2009 Share Posted July 14, 2009 I don't know where to begin. In short, my wife of 7 years has walked out on me in the strangest way. After about 3 years of marriage she developed severe depression which rubbed off on me quite a lot as well. I tried everything in my power to make her happy and was there for her to the point of never leaving the home except to go to work. I never did anything with anyone else because she would become insanely mad and say that I cared more about other people than her. She even got to the point where she would be angry at the kids and me for having any sort of fun together. She would claim that we would leave her out. We all tried everything to help and support her but nothing changed. I eventually quit my everything that I loved to help her cope but nothing helped, not even anti-depressants. We could never see relatives or friends because she didn't want to go, and if we went without her then we would never hear the end of it. No matter how much I gave up anything that I loved for her, it was never enough. It was to the point to where she was now even claiming that the kids and I had robbed her of the life that she wanted and needed. At this point no one in the house would bring up anything around her because she would pout, fly off the handle, cry, scream, or anything else she could think of to let us know how displeased she was. And when she would find out that I did anything without her knowledge, such as agreeing to help someone move from one house to the next, she would accuse me of lying and keeping things from her. I felt that things were about to get bad and I was right. Basically, she came up to me one morning before work and told me that she was leaving me and the kids. By the next morning she had a friend take her to the airport where she boarded a plane and went back to her Mother's house. That has been about a month ago and we haven't heard from her since. Before she left, she told me and the kids that we didn't do anything wrong and that she was very sorry for leaving. I have tried contacting her Mother and sister once but they ignore me. I asked them if I had done something that I wasn't aware of but I got no response. They have always defended her this way, and I don't have problem with that. What I do have a problem with is how a Grandmother and a Mother can ignore the kids like they never existed. They never treated me like this until this incident and I just don't understand. Now, we rent the house that we currently live in from my wife's mother and she told us that we need to leave as soon as we can, but we have no place to go and I really don't have the finances to just move. I can't even afford to have someone help me move out nor do I have a place to go with our belongings. To make matters worse, I was left with credit cards in her name with substantial balances left on them. I never knew of these cards, but I guess that I will have to pay them off. Anyway, the kids and I are hurt, angry, and feel abandoned and don't know what to do. I started a new job 6 months ago as a computer programmer and don't make a lot of money yet but I cannot jeopardize my job by taking days off to move and sort my life out or anything else really. I am already at my limits with having people look after our kids for me. Also, I know that she is never coming back because I have seen evidence of her bragging about a new cell phone and a new car that she just got from her mother and her making statements about how she never had these things before because we never made enough money. I am in limbo and do not know what to do. My better judgment tells me that this marriage isn't worth saving so I am not sure reconciliation would be an option on my part even if she did want to come back, which she does not. Just thought I would share that with you so I could get it off my chest. I am going this alone and need a place to vent. Just for the record, there has never been any drug or alcohol abuse or any cheating going on from either of us in this relationship. Having said that, I really don't know what to think about the whole thing. I did my best. Link to post Share on other sites
BlackWhite Posted July 14, 2009 Share Posted July 14, 2009 Are you sure she is not in an affair? Emotional affair over the internet with someoen from her hometown and turned it into a phyiscal affair after she moved? Her mom dislikes you now maybe due to lies she told her, such as your cheating, abusing, neglecting her, etc. Link to post Share on other sites
hopesndreams Posted July 14, 2009 Share Posted July 14, 2009 Sounds as though you've been through h*ll and back these last 4 years. Such a mean-spirited evilness about her, and it's not just depression causing it either. Her mother seems to be the same way as well. How many kids and how old? She shows no interest at all in them since she left? Did she work, hold down a job, go out for walks or anything while you were at work? Or was she at home all day? Did she spend loads of time on computer? Link to post Share on other sites
BlackWhite Posted July 14, 2009 Share Posted July 14, 2009 Did she work, hold down a job, go out for walks or anything while you were at work? Or was she at home all day? Did she spend loads of time on computer? You smell an affair too? Link to post Share on other sites
Author obscure Posted July 14, 2009 Author Share Posted July 14, 2009 I have really tried to find evidence of an affair by visiting many of her online hangouts and doing searches online with screen names and keywords. Although I haven't found anything substantial, I have found that some of her accounts were deleted but the Google searches still contained some trace evidence of her posts, some containing words such as "going through a mid life crisis". And yes, she spent about 16 hours a day on the internet, mostly visiting Fantasy (as in fantasy books, video games, art, etc.) sits and had a huge craving for social networks. I even found out from her friends (whom she abandoned and treated badly as well and gladly gave up what info they had) that she had multiple accounts under different aliases. Not to mention that she had about 5 email address per host, such as Yahoo, Gmail, etc, and a host of other emails tied to the domain names she owned. I guess I now realize why she accused me of being secretive, which I was not. I feel that she was projecting the guilt of her activities on me. As for kids, the ages are 10 and 12. They are both straight A students and really worry that this will affect their grades when they start back to school. As for holding her holding down a job. She didn't work for the longest time but when she decided to start working again she would stay at the job until it started getting good and offering better pay and benefits and then quit. She would treat her bosses much the same way she treated us. In the last two years she went to work for this total loser at a dead end job for peanuts, and sometimes he wouldn't pay her at all, but she would still go in and work. Now, I really don't think she was having an affair with him because he was very unattractive 65 year old habitual liar with a drinking problem and my wife is quite stunning. But I don't know, that place she was working at is a whole other story. I really wish I had the time to recount every strange thing that has happened, but that would take up a quite a lot of space. As far as her leaving the house, she never did if she wasn't at work. She never went anywhere, not to the store, nowhere. Well, thanks again for listening. I actually feel better since getting this off my mind. I really do appreciate it. Also, in the time that I was writing this reply, my boss called and stated that he was giving me a bonus for a programming job that I got the company. I can't think of a better time to have at least one prayer answered. Link to post Share on other sites
mark982 Posted July 14, 2009 Share Posted July 14, 2009 the first thing you need to do is get court ordered custody of your children,so this nut case can't come back and claim them. as far as moving out i'd wait till she has the proper court papers to evict you(let dear mil pay),then if those credit card bills of your wifes are in her name,then screw that, don't pay it. Link to post Share on other sites
hopesndreams Posted July 14, 2009 Share Posted July 14, 2009 Congrats on the bonus. You may not see it now but in time you will. She did you a huge favor by leaving and having no contact with you. She has treated you horribly and has abused you with her nastiness and her cheating. I don't understand though why she would want nothing to do with her children. You have a couple smart kids there and they too had lived with the tension in that house and still did well in school. The tension has now been lifted and with the big black cloud gone, they will still do well. The rejection from their mother will affect them though and hopefully, soon, she will get in contact with them. Why do they want to kick you out of the house? She can't anyway, you have rights, and as long as the rent is being paid and you're not trashing the place and she doesn't want to put the house on the market for sale....stay put. But, of course, look for another place just to be free from the both of them. There is time to do this, they can't just toss you out. Take care of you during this time. You deserve to be treated with respect. You've been without for so long, you have suffered enough, now it's you time. Keep posting, even all the little things and the strange things that have been happening, or might happen, whatever is on your mind, if you wanted to. It really does help. There are many here that can help with the transitions you are and will be going through. Link to post Share on other sites
Author obscure Posted July 21, 2009 Author Share Posted July 21, 2009 It's been a while since I have posted about my situation, but I have to get it off my chest somehow. I am reluctant to go into too many details about my situation as my wife is an internet junkie and will eventually come across my posts and cause me more trouble. But here it goes: I have found more information about my wife that simply baffles me. I will not say how I got a hold of this info, but it is rock solid. I would like to just copy and paste the messages here but I can't because they can be indexed on a search engine and found with ease. Anyway, one of the reasons cited that she left me was that she missed her family and wanted to see them since they live so far away, and she claimed that the pain of missing them outweighed her love for me. Since then (almost 5 weeks ago) I have found out that she still has not visited those she told me she missed the most. She has even gone so far as to say to a couple of friends (who were kind enough to forward me the emails) in emails not to mention online that she has returned to her hometown because she needs to get her head on straight before dealing with them and she can only deal with one thing at a time. Her casual "no big deal" speech and demeanor was alarming enough to these friends that they forwarded me the emails with only one questions, "What the heck is wrong with her?" Her attitude is more like she forgot to call someone back instead of leaving an entire family behind. What world is she living in? Also, I am sure she was either sleeping with or leading her boss on to get the funds she needed to get back home. I also know that she is still in contact with him because she is trying to get him to mail her some personal belongings, all at his expense of course. One of the lines in the email was "[sIZE=3]i could fly there and do you for that price the post office is bringing boxes love ya" and, "PS I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU" Now, I don't feel this is an appropriate boss/employee relationship. Also, does anyone here think that this sort of talk would help me ultimately in a divorce situation? I have tons of this stuff, and the aforementioned lines I posted are pretty mild in comparison to the rest of what I have read. Like I say, I don't want this post to be too searchable on the internet. I also have an update on the house situation. I was told yesterday by my mother-in-law that I need to "leave the house by Sunday" as she will be renting it out. Luckily, my Mother is offering us a place to live until me and the kids find suitable housing. I have finally found a storage building large enough to hold all of our belongings and I will hopefully get my stuff out of the house before Sunday. I have contacted a few friends with my situation and luckily they are very understanding about our situation and will lend a hand in moving this weekend. My grief over putting so many people out just to help me is overwhelming. I am used to doing everything myself without help, but this time I am going to have to bite the bullet and just do it. The biggest problem is that I am having a hard time packing because I just nearly fall apart when I start boxing things up. I feel like I need to cry my eyes out, but every time I nearly cry, I have anxiety attacks and get so angry that I just freeze up and can't do it. I am trying to keep my sanity by keeping the TV's on in every room to break the silence. The silence kills me. I know that there is no reason to hang on to my wife because it is a lost cause and we will only be doing better in the long run, unfortunately, that long run is longer than I had anticipated. She is a rotten person and not worth any further worry or grief, yet, I can't help feeling so alone and lost. This limbo is tearing me apart. I no longer want her back, but I am going crazy in my lonely private hell. Sorry about the typos, incomplete sentences, and poor grammar. I am typing the best I can in the middle of a panic attack. One more bit of news about the house. I have stopped payment on the home owner's insurance today and have set it up to have all the utilities shut off on Monday. If my kids and I are going to be put out, then I am going to put a few people out too. I have also decided against cleaning the house after I leave, and I will be leaving all of the possessions that my wife left behind in the house along with anything that I don't want. I don't know if that is ethical, but I don't care at this point. I am doing as much as I can just to hold down a full time job and raise two kids. I don't need the added pressure of making this house ultra-desirable for the next family that will occupy the property. I have also stopped mowing the insanely huge lawn. I just don't see the point. I hope that isn't being too assy, but I don't think I can handle all of this and I just want out of here so I can live my life. Thank you all for listening. Link to post Share on other sites
reservoirdog1 Posted July 22, 2009 Share Posted July 22, 2009 One more bit of news about the house. I have stopped payment on the home owner's insurance today and have set it up to have all the utilities shut off on Monday. If my kids and I are going to be put out, then I am going to put a few people out too. I have also decided against cleaning the house after I leave, and I will be leaving all of the possessions that my wife left behind in the house along with anything that I don't want. I don't know if that is ethical, but I don't care at this point. I am doing as much as I can just to hold down a full time job and raise two kids. I don't need the added pressure of making this house ultra-desirable for the next family that will occupy the property. I have also stopped mowing the insanely huge lawn. I just don't see the point. I hope that isn't being too assy, but I don't think I can handle all of this and I just want out of here so I can live my life. Based on what you're describing, I don't think you're being unreasonable at all. Your children's grandmother is tossing out you and her grandchildren on minimal notice, likely in disregard of your legal rights. But if you've found somewhere to stay, then don't focus on that. Just get your stuff out, and contact your TBXMIL and let her know that her daughter's share of the stuff is waiting for her to pick it up. Don't clean the place, don't cut the lawn, and absolutely cancel the utilities. Leave it for your TBXMIL and TBXW to deal with. Then, I would absolutely seek sole custody and a child support order against your TBXW. Sounds like you're a good dad; it's great that your kids can depend on you, even though they can't depend on their mother or grandmother. Good luck man... it'll be easier once you're out of that place and with people who care about you. Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Vader Posted July 22, 2009 Share Posted July 22, 2009 Based on what you're describing, I don't think you're being unreasonable at all. Your children's grandmother is tossing out you and her grandchildren on minimal notice, likely in disregard of your legal rights. But if you've found somewhere to stay, then don't focus on that. Just get your stuff out, and contact your TBXMIL and let her know that her daughter's share of the stuff is waiting for her to pick it up. Don't clean the place, don't cut the lawn, and absolutely cancel the utilities. Leave it for your TBXMIL and TBXW to deal with. Then, I would absolutely seek sole custody and a child support order against your TBXW. Sounds like you're a good dad; it's great that your kids can depend on you, even though they can't depend on their mother or grandmother. Good luck man... it'll be easier once you're out of that place and with people who care about you. I agree wholeheartedly! Another thing that should be mentioned. First, you want to contact a Lawyer as fast as you can, Discuss with the Lawyer about the situation with your wife, find out about your rights, and also find out about ABANDONMENT on your wife's part! Remember, she abandoned you and the children! That would assist you in getting Sole Custody! Because that right there may be more than enough for a Court to grant Sole Custody to a Father who has been abandoned along with the children! Second, Protect any bank account/s and assets that you have, make sure that you have separate bank accounts (you don't want the STB hex, I mean EX, to get her hands on the money you and your children need to live on!) Third, Contact her Bosses, BOSS. That'll be Human Resources most likely, unless if it's his own business. But, if her boss has a Boss, inform his Boss of what's been going on, and watch how fast he loses his job! Chances are, they won't want that in their company! Because what her boss has been doing is immoral and unethical in the eyes of the company! Crying is good for the soul! Take care of those children, MAN! You'll be Alright! Alright! Alright!.............:bunny::bunny::bunny::bunny: Link to post Share on other sites
hopesndreams Posted July 22, 2009 Share Posted July 22, 2009 "leave the house by Sunday" A great weight will be lifted from you on Sunday. I can relate to the packing up and cleaning up a house that is filled with memories. It took me weeks to do it, my H had left all the responsibility of it to me because, poor guy, he couldn't face going into the house, it made him sad. In truth, he was way too busy getting his little love nest sorted for himself and his MOW. The experience for me was gut wrenching, but I got it done, on my own, and when I put that key in the front door and locked it for the final time, I cried. As i was driving away, tears streaming down my face, there came an exhilaration! The tears dried up quickly and I became thrilled with never having to set foot in there again. It will be as though you are finishing a chapter in a book, it's over, it's done....move on to the next chapter of your life. She doesn't know that you know about the OM? Does she still think you believe she is with family to get her head together? Was she a step mother to the children? She is a rotten person and not worth any further worry or grief, yet, I can't help feeling so alone and lost. Don't lose sight of the fact she has been rotten. You will feel alone and lost for a awhile, but each day does get better. If/when she does get back in touch, don't fall for any of what she has to say. She has been lying to you and will continue to lie. Maybe she hasn't told you the truth about her OM because things might not work out for her in that department and if they don't, she might turn to you as her back-up plan. Link to post Share on other sites
SRV Posted July 22, 2009 Share Posted July 22, 2009 First, be glad that you are rid of her and her family, wow. Is your mil married / divorced? When it comes to your wife, there is more to it than meets the eye. She is either mentally ill or has a history of abuse in her past. You need to dig deeper, and either one of the aforementioned will be self evident. It will help you better understand the kind of person that she is and will be vital when it comes to custody of the kids. From the little info on your post, it seems that here is the classic case of an abused turned abuser. How did you two meet? This might help explain some of her bizzare behavior. You never mention your father-in-law in your posts, what ever happened to him? Did he have a relationship with his daughter, your wife? And what kind of relationship was it? You need to document EVERYTHING, in your case dates even times of conversations that you had with your MIL and times that you tried to reach her. This will come in handy down the road. Your mil, particularly, is hell bent on making your life a living hell. She depicts no compassion or empathy towards you nor her grandchildren. Did she even give you a 30 day notice as is required in most states when evicting you? Please make sure that her request that you move out is in writing too. You will need this in court to prove the kind of people your wife and mil are when the custody battle does arise. Good luck, brace yourself mentally for some really tough times ahead, but it will get better. I would suggest you lawyer up like yesterday. Link to post Share on other sites
Author obscure Posted August 1, 2009 Author Share Posted August 1, 2009 I have been meaning to answer back to some of these posts but I have been really exhausted and can't seem to muster the energy to do so. I really am not going into much more detail because it is pointless, but I do have one thing to add. First of all, the kids and I have moved out and are doing fine. My mother has a very nice home and loves cooking for us and helping out with everything. That has been a relief. I really don't want to go into anything else about my wife right now because it is pointless and she is a lost cause. But the one thing that keeps rattling around in my head that I can't shake is the fact that she always made sure that I knew that she would never leave me alone and that we would grow old together. I can't stop hearing that in my head. Anyway, the only new info that I have is that she is a complete IM junkie (with guys) and lives out her make believe online life. She somehow thinks this will manifest into a better life for herself. It is very hard knowing that she has been developing these strange relationships with people behind my back when I did everything to be a faithful husband. I have never struck her, called her any names or cursed her in the time we were married. I gave nearly all of my attention to her at the expense of everyone else that needed me. Please don't think less of me for this, but I have obtained some more disturbing email info between her and another guy that I will simply hand over to a lawyer on Monday along with many other documents and let him compile this into whatever means he thinks it should be used. God, here is goes: Link to post Share on other sites
Author obscure Posted August 1, 2009 Author Share Posted August 1, 2009 Continued from above: Today at 16:13 Hello! Good news! It looks like I may have internet as soon as the end of next week!!!!!!!!! God, I hope so! This is driving me mad! We're going to have to have another 12 hour MSN session to celebrate, LOL. Love, S Having said that, I am through digging for any more information and it is time for me to man up and completely accept this fate. She is a selfish liar and cares only for her feelings and I don't ever want her around the children again. My focus will now be on my kids and my job. One of the things that is scaring me the most right now is how to afford the lawyer. I have told him that I don't know how to pay him or make payments since I am struggling making ends meet now. I have faith that somehow we will be provided for and get this done, but I am still scared. I came as close to crying today as I ever have and it was the most uncomfortable and weak feeling that I have ever had. One part of me wants to stand up and really make something of myself in this bad situation and another part of me wants to put my Remington Model 1100 under my chin and let it rip. But I love my kids too much and could never seriously consider that latter option. I am a gullible fool that made the mistake of thinking that I could put myself out there and be the best man I knew how to be to my family and that this would keep us all safe and happy. I just want all this hurt to go away, and instead it is getting worse. I feel so alone and cold inside. I really don't even feel like a man right now. I feel like a whining coward that is directionless. Having said that, it is time for me to stop all the self pity crap and get on with my life for the sake of my kids and for my own sake as well. One last thing, the move was pure hell, LOL. But my two girls really stepped up to the plate and started packing that house up like pros. They really took care of their Dad in this very trying time. I just hate that they had to respond in such a mature manner to such a terrible situation. We moved for three days in 100+ degree temperatures and did it all with little or no complaining. And do you know how messy a house gets when you are through moving? Well, we left it just that way. We didn't clean a damned thing or make any effort to do any more than we had to. This goes against our nature, but we felt that we owed it to ourselves this one time to not make life any easier on them. Besides, we were the ones kicked to the curb and we didn't feel that we owed her MIL anything extra. Again, sorry for the typos, I never spell check anything when I in a typing frenzy. And thanks for the support. This place has given me an outlet to vent and also it has showed me that I am not the only one in this world to suffer the loss of a spouse and that I am not alone. Link to post Share on other sites
2.50 a gallon Posted August 1, 2009 Share Posted August 1, 2009 Obscure: The one thing I can't wrap my head around is the actions of the grandmother. I have known lots of grandmas in my life and in fact am living with one, and the one thing they seem to cherish the most is the activities of their grandkids. I never had kids, major disappointment for my mother, but had I had kids, I know that were I to mistreat them or abandon them, there would have been hell to pay. They would have come first. Perhaps it is genetic? Link to post Share on other sites
Author obscure Posted August 1, 2009 Author Share Posted August 1, 2009 Obscure: The one thing I can't wrap my head around is the actions of the grandmother. I have known lots of grandmas in my life and in fact am living with one, and the one thing they seem to cherish the most is the activities of their grandkids. I never had kids, major disappointment for my mother, but had I had kids, I know that were I to mistreat them or abandon them, there would have been hell to pay. They would have come first. Perhaps it is genetic? This may shed some light. My wife's parents divorced when she was 5 or 6. After a short time her mother (my MIL) dropped her off with her dad and said she couldn't handle her any more. She stayed with her Dad most of the time but would spend some time here and there with her mother who was usually in and out of relationships quite often. I think she was married either four or five times and had several boyfriends mixed in there as well. These are things that I never found out until after my wife and I were married. And the funny thing is that my wife said that she would never do her kids that way because she felt it would mess them up for life. But when I brought this up as she was leaving, she acted as if this were a completely different thing all together. God, this sounds more screwed up the more I elaborate. Anyway, I came from a very stable family that had no divorces and everyone made an effort to get along and work things out. That is why I cannot comprehend just walking out. It boggles my mind. Link to post Share on other sites
Chrome Barracuda Posted August 1, 2009 Share Posted August 1, 2009 This may shed some light. My wife's parents divorced when she was 5 or 6. After a short time her mother (my MIL) dropped her off with her dad and said she couldn't handle her any more. She stayed with her Dad most of the time but would spend some time here and there with her mother who was usually in and out of relationships quite often. I think she was married either four or five times and had several boyfriends mixed in there as well. These are things that I never found out until after my wife and I were married. And the funny thing is that my wife said that she would never do her kids that way because she felt it would mess them up for life. But when I brought this up as she was leaving, she acted as if this were a completely different thing all together. God, this sounds more screwed up the more I elaborate. Anyway, I came from a very stable family that had no divorces and everyone made an effort to get along and work things out. That is why I cannot comprehend just walking out. It boggles my mind. sounds to me like the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. but when your garnishing her wages and moneys getting zapped from her check and she cant see her children during christmas or thanksgiving, because they dont want to see her. or when they openly laugh and disrespect her to her face, how is she gonna make that up. Trust obscure the affair will crumble and she will attempt to get into your good graces. My advice is to never forget of how you got where you are and who abandoned you and your kids. Where was she. out getting slayed by some other dudes. and to top it off her sister and own mother kicks their flesh and blood out of their home with no place to live. Wow just cold hearted bitches I tell you. You should begin laughing because these people are sick in the head. Get down to the nearest lawyer and put papers in action. Divorce, emergency custody and child support. You gotta strike while the iron is hot because females are somewhat easily trusted more than a good father... Do what must be done. Link to post Share on other sites
mark982 Posted August 1, 2009 Share Posted August 1, 2009 have you tried legal aid? you've got to get full custody of your kids quickly. the divorce can come later. also are you documenting everything. like how often ex calls the kids,visits,sends cards? gotta cover your azz. Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Vader Posted August 1, 2009 Share Posted August 1, 2009 have you tried legal aid? you've got to get full custody of your kids quickly. the divorce can come later. also are you documenting everything. like how often ex calls the kids,visits,sends cards? gotta cover your azz. I agree with both posters above! By the way, Lose the Gun, NOW! Sell it, and use the money for something better! Better to have a temptation like that gone, that's never an option! So stop thinking like that! Get the lawyer, file for the abandonment and divorce thing and get custody of those girls like right quick and in a hurry! Link to post Share on other sites
Author obscure Posted August 2, 2009 Author Share Posted August 2, 2009 I agree with both posters above! By the way, Lose the Gun, NOW! Sell it, and use the money for something better! Better to have a temptation like that gone, that's never an option! So stop thinking like that! Get the lawyer, file for the abandonment and divorce thing and get custody of those girls like right quick and in a hurry! No need to lose the gun or the 20 others that I have (we do a lot of hunting around here). Honestly, that was more of a fleeting rant as to how destitute I felt at times. Believe me, I am not anywhere in the realm of having a temptation like that. But thank you for your concern nonetheless. I am not some crazy gun guy that will freak out, LOL. I was just expressing the hopelessness I was feeling. But seriously, I am back on track and taking care of business now. I actually have an acquaintance that is a lawyer but I was very hesitant to ask his help because I did not want to have the money/friend issue between us. But I swallowed my pride and asked if he could lend a hand and he said yes. He agreed to take my case for the price of the filing fee for divorce. I am so relieved. I had already handed over some stuff for him to look at a couple of days ago to see if I had enough info to support my legal requests in divorce. He thinks that any woman who walks out, plus the addition of the emails and IM's that I have gathered will be enough to pretty much have my requests honored. Btw, I had a very short conversation with my wife finally. And I asked her point blank about seeing other guys or having online relationships while we have been separated. She told me "no" and that she didn't even have access to her Instant Messenger or internet. I said "ok", as I sifted through the stacks of printed documents that suggested otherwise. It was a bad feeling and a good feeling at the same time. Everything I needed to know about the little liar was confirmed right there. Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Vader Posted August 2, 2009 Share Posted August 2, 2009 No need to lose the gun or the 20 others that I have (we do a lot of hunting around here). Honestly, that was more of a fleeting rant as to how destitute I felt at times. Believe me, I am not anywhere in the realm of having a temptation like that. But thank you for your concern nonetheless. I am not some crazy gun guy that will freak out, LOL. I was just expressing the hopelessness I was feeling. But seriously, I am back on track and taking care of business now. Hmmmm, you kinda remind me of that married couple on that movie Tremors. That's the movie where the husband and wife have a complete wall of just about every kind of gun around, they have their own Armory! You don't have ground tremors where you live?:lmao: Otherwise you might need those guns. I actually have an acquaintance that is a lawyer but I was very hesitant to ask his help because I did not want to have the money/friend issue between us. But I swallowed my pride and asked if he could lend a hand and he said yes. He agreed to take my case for the price of the filing fee for divorce. I am so relieved. I had already handed over some stuff for him to look at a couple of days ago to see if I had enough info to support my legal requests in divorce. He thinks that any woman who walks out, plus the addition of the emails and IM's that I have gathered will be enough to pretty much have my requests honored. Yeah, be really nice to this friend, help this guy if he needs it. Just keep the ball moving, and for heaven's sake don't tell your wife what you're up to concerning the Divorce! Don't even let her know about the Divorce, nothing! As far as she's concerned everything is fine and dandy with you as you're waiting in the wings for her(yeah, RIGHT!). It's just better for you to do what you gotta do while she's stuck in affair fog mode, and has no idea of what's about to hit her hard, because when she does find out, she may snap out of it and fight like HELL to screw you over further(if it's possible). Btw, I had a very short conversation with my wife finally. And I asked her point blank about seeing other guys or having online relationships while we have been separated. She told me "no" and that she didn't even have access to her Instant Messenger or internet. I said "ok", as I sifted through the stacks of printed documents that suggested otherwise. It was a bad feeling and a good feeling at the same time. Everything I needed to know about the little liar was confirmed right there. I swear I've seen this on some movie before, perhaps it's just something that could be on a movie? Link to post Share on other sites
Author obscure Posted August 3, 2009 Author Share Posted August 3, 2009 I swear I've seen this on some movie before, perhaps it's just something that could be on a movie? Dude, is my life that pathetic? I really wished it were a movie, I am so tired of dealing with it all. Anyway, thanks for the advice. I will keep quiet about the attorney and everything else and simply mail her the divorce documents. Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Vader Posted August 8, 2009 Share Posted August 8, 2009 Dude, is my life that pathetic? I really wished it were a movie, I am so tired of dealing with it all. Anyway, thanks for the advice. I will keep quiet about the attorney and everything else and simply mail her the divorce documents. Actually, I was meaning about the part where you were talking to your wife, where she mentioned that there were no other men in the picture, all the while you were going through and stacking the evidence that you had collected about your wife screwing around on you. Nothing pathetic at all. That's something someone might see in a movie, or something. Link to post Share on other sites
Author obscure Posted August 9, 2009 Author Share Posted August 9, 2009 Actually, I was meaning about the part where you were talking to your wife, where she mentioned that there were no other men in the picture, all the while you were going through and stacking the evidence that you had collected about your wife screwing around on you. Nothing pathetic at all. That's something someone might see in a movie, or something. Ok, lol. Sorry, my thinking is a little off lately. Link to post Share on other sites
Darth Vader Posted August 9, 2009 Share Posted August 9, 2009 Ok, lol. Sorry, my thinking is a little off lately. No worries, happens to me all the time! Link to post Share on other sites
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