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This Girl Is Driving Me Crazy...

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background info: (over a 5 month span)

-me and this girl got really close

-she broke up with her BF cuz of me

-asked her to be my GF..."i like you more than a friend, but im afraid to lose you"

-still really close (i can feel us slowly fading)

-she got back with her EX

-told me shes sorry she didnt mean for it to happen like this, she feels like she cheated on me... blah blah

- i decided to stop talking to her


its been like 3ish months and ive only spoken to her lik 4-5 times, computer only

One of those times i told her i was ok with it and i really miss her.. etc

she said she wanted to get together some time..but i never followed through


about a month since that^ she instant messages me:

"we haven't talked in too long and i wanna change that. you told me you were truly okay with everything but yet things are still blah between us. i miss you and i'm sorry. i can't tell you that enough. if there was some way i could prove it to you, trust me, i would do whatever it would take in a heartbeat.."


i didnt really know what to say back...

so i told her we should hang out


i miss her very much, i still think about her every day...but i dont know if my heart can take it...especially if shes still with her BF (which i think she is)



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Run away.


Cut off all contact. It's hard, but you should do it. This girl isn't worth any of your effort. She's been playing games with you; she wants to have her cake and eat it too. She says all the right things and you're still thinking about her all the time, missing her...she's likely delighted with the fact that she's still got you dangling on a string while she's back with her ex. Looking all around here on LS, your situation is quite common, and as in those other situations, the best thing for you to do is ditch this girl. Don't talk to her, don't meet up with her--nothing. If she contacts you, ignore it. Then you can put your effort toward finding someone who won't mess with your head and will really want to be with you.

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the only person that can help you,is yourself. if you can't handle being around her then your going to have to keep your distance from her.i personally think she's screwing w/ you.

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I agree with both tigressa and mark982. This chickie is erratic, manipulative and just overall bad news.

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