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Re: women..??

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Tell her that you'd love for her to come and visit. Also, tell her that you may have mislead her because you meant that you hope to be out on your own soon...but right now you live with your parents.


Apologize to her if she was mislead by what you said. Say and do no more.


If she can't fogive you and get over it, move on and consider it a lesson learned. The very best road to take is the honest one. You'll have much fewer problems. It sounds like you have a tendency to modify the truth in order to get people to like you. It doesn't work that way. They may like the lie but they'll be really pissed when they learn the truth.


If people can't enjoy your company just like you are, with your looks, your weight, your job, your bank account and living at home with your parents, you just plain don't need the aggravation of being around them.

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Big B,



Reject her offer to stop over and tell her you'd rather take her out. You can ask "what time should I pick you up?". If there is no chance for a long term relationship then there is a low probability that she'll find out you live at home. In my experience, when someone asks you out in any respect, the objective is simply to spend time together, the place is unimportant. If it goes further than you anticipate, then the truth about where you live will have to be addressed and will most likely not be an issue. I'll predict it will be something you'll both laugh about in the future.



Good Luck to you




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Wiser Woman

I agree with Tony. Tell the TRUTH. Trying to get something going with someone and lying to them right off the bat is not the way to go! She will probably not think it's a big deal unless you're 45 years old and still living at home in which case you would probably have more problems than you can count on one hand ...it doesn't sound like that's the case at all so be upfront now while you have the chance.

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Bib B:


The truth is the best; however, you already lied. That, you can fix, but here's what I noticed. You haven't even gone out with her, and you're already looking for reasons it might not work out ("she is going to Kent in the summer"). Come on, it's only a date. Get to know her first, give it a chance. The biggest reason I see so far for damage to this potential "long-term relationship" is you started out by lying, you think your "money situation" will matter to her, and you think she'll think you're a complete loser if you tell her the truth. Take her out, give it a try. (It doesn't cost anything to take a chance.)

Well, there is this beautiful girl Janette who works at the Subway by my house. I have been talking to her for a couple of weeks now. Just over the past couple of days though her and I have gotten to know each other pretty well. Today she asked me what I was doing tonight, and then she asked about tomorrow night. I really like her, but I know that she is going to Kent in the summer. So, that definitely will hurt any kind of long term relationship. The problem is I lied to her, and told her that I was living alone. Mostly to save face. But, the truth is that I still live at home. It's a money situation. Now, she is talking about stopping over!! What do I do..?? I know I shouldn't have lied to her, but what if I told her and she thinks that I'm a complete loser???????? HELP!!
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