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Friends to Best friends to Intimacy to nothing!

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Ive got myself into a silly situation with a guy ive recently just become friends with. Hes 17 year old … 18 tomorrow .. im 21 … and he has a girlfriend whom hes been with for 7 month. I partly blame myself for the hurt I feel at the moment. But I know its not 100% my own fault. Story goes like this:


As soon as I first met him I was instantly attracted. Lookswise he is my perfect man! Personality wise he is also very much like me, so laid back and practically care free. We have a great laugh together


We got on so well from that first night, and over the first few weeks we kinda fell for each other, we spent a lot of time together, texting, talking via msn and telephone and we both made each other feel special when we were around each other. I always used to link his arm and he used to stroke my palm before linking his fingers with mine and putting our hands in one of his pockets. It made me feel like a teenager with a crush again. He used to say we were like best friends and we were. we were always together and we had a special connection and that "spark"


We were out one night and decided to “go to the shop” .. just to get away from our group of friends for ten minutes. We headed off away from them and ended up locking lips .. it felt really nice and we didn’t want to stop but my phone rang and disturbed us. We headed back to our group of friends with a big smile on our faces. That night he went to his girlfriends house and whilst he was watching tv she looked through his phone and found text messages from me. Needless to say she went mad and they had a big argument. By the next day they had kissed and made up and I receive a text from him saying it shouldn’t have happened and to forget it. I was kinda hurt but I respected what he wanted and I didn’t wanna lose him as a friend so I got over it.


We were still close as friends, still hung out together but my friends were starting to think things were going on with us, and with his friends being out with us too we had to be careful they didn’t say anything to his girlfriend so I stopped linking his arms and being touchy feely with him.


We always talked about sex things together, and he used to say if he was single he would be with me and that he would love to have some sexual fun with me etc. I just laughed it off as I thought nothing would ever happen.


Boy was I wrong!


The past two weeks his girlfriend has been on holiday and he has spent every single night with me. Some nights we were out with friends, but the rest he has been with just me, at my house, going on drives out, cinema, bowling etc. we have been like a couple basically. There has been no kisses whatsoever, even though we were both dying to lock lips. But we engaged in oral sex a few times. After the first time it happened he text me yet again saying it shouldn’t have happened and to forget it, I said okay no problem. I wont lie, I felt totally used, humiliated and not to mention upset. Later on that same evening, , he come to my house and it happened AGAIN. I know I shouldn’t have let it happen as I knew I would end up hurt again. But the way he looked at me and smiled, I just forgot about the consequences.


He continued to come see me the next two nights after that but he didn’t mention anything about what we done and I didn’t get any text messages saying it shouldn’t have happened, I just forgot all about it as obviously he had.


The weekend just gone he come round again and I peformed oral, again. He said it was amazing and unreal and that his gf wasn’t that good at it. we talked for ages about sex and what we both liked and I said something about being better than his girl at everything and he just nodded and gave me his cheeky smile. He said later on that night, when he had gone home and we were talking via msn, that if he didnt have to go he woulda stayed all night and that we woulda ended up having sex, he wanted me so much and he loved being with me


His girlfriend is back now and I haven’t heard from him for two days. Im not allowed to text him, incase hes with her. Its awful being apart from him when ive been so close these past two weeks.


Im headf*cked .. cause I don’t get why he let things happen once, then said it shouldn’t have happened, yet he come round the same night and let it happen again. Then once more after that and telling me we woulda went all the way if he had been with me longer


Does he actually like me? But doesnt wanna fully admit his feelings because hes already with someone he loves. Or do you think he was just wanting a bit of meaningless fun?


I personally think he feels something for me, more than he should. He had two weeks to spend with his friends and do what he likes, but he didn’t, he spent id say atleast 11 out of the 15 days with just me, on our own. And the other 4 days with me aswell as our group of friends.


Im just so torn at the moment because i really like him, i love the friendship we have. I wanna be closer to him, but I think now I need to leave him alone.


What do I do :)

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I would have to say that I personally would move on, he is way young and you won't be his first fwb or his last.

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It seems pretty clear to me that this guy is using you. I would either draw a line in the sand and force him to choose or move on and find someone who wont just take from you.

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