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Is my boyfriend hiding something from me?

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My boyfriend of 2 years lives in Michigan and I stay in Seattle. I'll be visiting him somtime in December but everytime I mention the trip, he has an excuse as to why I should hold off visiting him. First it was he needs to get his own place, which he did this month, second it was the ticket is going to be too expensive and he doesn't want me to spend alot of money, money is not an issue to me, and third he's concerned about the weather being bad because I'm coming in December and he doesn't want to hear me complain about the snow. I have travelled in the snow before, so weather is no problem. I'm starting to become suspicious about all his excuses. Should I be concerned about his excuses or is he genuinely worried about my safefty when it comes to visiting in Decemeber?

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IMO.. if it has been a long while since you've seen each other.. I would think that he would be so anxious to see you, the minor details would not matter at all.. Yes, I'd be suspicious if it were me.

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Thanks for all your responses! I think I'm going to address the issue with him. Too bad I can't just roll to Michigan without him knowing and catch him off guard!

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I guess that may your only way to find out as well. Is there anyway it can a sort of surprise visit? Like maybe get there a little earlier than he expects you?

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I'm now living in NYC for a year and a half. My girl lives in Israel and we keep a very strong long distance relationship. HONESTY is the very most important part of any relationship, Long-Distance one espacially... His excuses doesn't make any sense! He could at least stick to one reason, but when he changes it THREE times that's a big reason to be suspicious... It's just too damn weird! Don't waste your time and money by going there and catch him off-guard... What if he does cheat on you, are you sure you wanna see him with other girl ? Talk to him seriously about it and make him explain his real reason ! I'm not that sure he's cheating on you but you just gotta find out what's going on !


Hope I helped... this long-distance relationship is the hardest thing I had ever been through.. hope you'll manage to straighten things out with your boy...

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Well i would have to agree with everyone else... it doesnt make sense. My man does everything in his power to get me to c him, i mean everything. Anyhow, if i was u, i would tell him ur cancelling the trip cos of the negative vibes u r getting off him and c what happens. If he wants u to visit, he will ask u to. But i dont think its a good idea to go and "catch him out" what a waste of time, energy and emotion. There might be someone around u at the moment who would kill to have u in their lives.... Just a thought....:)

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