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billy the kid

to whom it may consern

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to whom it may consern

well some one once told me to lighten up get a since of humor,, well I have tried ... I really do feel for all the hurt and pain out there, believe me I am not with out it.. but please some one post a nice love story once in a while after all this is the love shack.....sorry Tony I was just kidding I'm sure all the ladies knew that I was kidding and that you are a male...

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A Regular Poster

Billy The Kid Asks: "but please some one post a nice love story once in a while after all this is the love shack"


You got it! And it is 100% TRUE!


Many years ago, when we were first married, we had to watch every penny. I was working full time and he was getting his second degree from College. Things were tough, but we had our priorities, were happy, and managed.


I remember our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. Wow, we were so young (me 19 and him 24). Our budget did not allow for a bouquet of flowers nor a box of candy. I knew I would be lucky to get a card and would be so very happy with that. But my husband felt badly and wanted to do more. He wanted to surprise me and that he did!


That February the 14th (Yep, Valentine's Day)he was already home from school when I arrived home from work. I unlocked the apartment door and there he was ... naked with a big red bow tiied beautifully around his ... "you know what" ... and he smilled and said "Happy Valentine's Day!" He was even blushing!


Well, I tell you that was the best present he could have given me and, like a certain commercial says, "It is the gift that keeps on giving!"


So remember to any of you out there that cannot afford a gift for an occasion, you don't have to do what my husband did, just know it is the thought you have put behind or into a kind, thoughtful act or deed done on that special day.


::Big Smiles::

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When things are going good in their relationships, you won't find people here...or even on the Internet much.


Hurt and pain are as much a part of love as the joy and happiness.


There has to be darkness for you to appreciate the light.


It is simply love's nature to be up and down.


Sadly, some of the loneliest, most depressed and suicidal people in the entire world are those that were happily married and in love for 30, 40, 50 years or more when their spouse died. Some even wonder if the pain they face now is worth the happiness they experienced all those years.


With the right mindset and outlook, we can be happy all the time. If we can ultimately get it right, we don't have to post here at Loveshack.


Hopefully, the people who read the posts here...and the subsequent advice...can get better at love along the way. They can learn to live and enjoy each minute. And learn that no joy lasts forever and that's OK.


It is unfortunate that our wisdom comes in later years, yet our yearning for positive romantic experiences comes much earlier. I'm not really sure wisdom is enough to handle some problems but it certainly helps.


Bottom line: People tend to take the good for granted. As long as things are chugging along fine, no particular attention is paid to keeping it that way. It's just human nature. When a problem arises, people post them here, talk to their friends about them, or jump out of the fifth story window.


Hopefully they give us a chance here first.

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following as I was the Tony/billy the kid saga I read

'Billy: When things are going good in their relationships, you won't find people here...or even on the Internet much.'

I can only tell you this comment (coming from you) caught me off gaurd. Not in that it isn't true, but it makes me have to ask, "Why are you on the Internet so much?"


Hurting or helping? I find both here. Your words are so insightful; no doubt you have some stories to tell.


Is <e-mail address removed> for real? I can fulfill 12 of the 13 conditions on your list (I'm not sure about #3 and #8 was actually a 3-in-1 item).



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