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MID LIFE CRISIS : WOrse for men? Worse for Women?

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When Does a Mid Life Crisis End?



i Mean DAMN, I Thought I was a mentally strong, Healthy , good looking guy. But watchout man, When you turn 28 like me and that Midlife thing

starts hitting you, What a BUMMER.


My cool hair is Thinning, I'm getting pains in my knees, It's harder for me to lose weight and stay in shape, I'm LOOKING older. I know there are far worse problems facing people in the world, But man, It's enough to drive you to depression.


Anyone feel my pain??? ANyone think it's harder for Men than Women? Or Harder for Women Than Men?

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You are a child! Wait 'till you hit 40! Then 50! You have not reached middle-age yet!


Stop thinking so dang OLD! My husband used to drive me crazy with his talk about his life being over when he was only 30! He sounded like an old, old man, and walked around like an old, old man and acted like an old, old man and all because of his ATTITUDE. One of the key reasons his sex drive diminshed at age 30 was because he thought he was TOO OLD for that anymore! Boy did we have some long counseling sessions - together and alone - over THAT!


So your knees creaks a little -- take care of them. So your hair is thinner -- whoop-de-fricken-do. My husband had a big bald spot on the crown of his head when he was eight years old & has been loosing hair ever since. A friend of his went bald in highschool. Get a hairpiece or weave or rogaine or something if it makes you feel better.


Mid-life crisis is when the man leaves his wife with no explanation, buys a bicycle, a gun, and a backpack, hangs a sign on his back that says "Canada or Bust" (because he's blaming the USA government for him not achieving what he thinks he should have achieved by now) and gets six blocks from home when his load shifts and jams his new bicycle so bad that he can't ride it and has to call his wife (who has been crying her eyes out for a week now) and ask her to come pick him up.


I didn't make that up. It happened. To me.


You are 28 - get over the mid-life crisis crap---you are young. :bunny:

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"Mid-life crisis is when the man leaves his wife with no explanation, buys a bicycle, a gun, and a backpack, hangs a sign on his back that says "Canada or Bust" (because he's blaming the USA government for him not achieving what he thinks he should have achieved by now) and gets six blocks from home when his load shifts and jams his new bicycle so bad that he can't ride it and has to call his wife (who has been crying her eyes out for a week now) and ask her to come pick him up. "



That is incredible! Did he stick around or did he leave again? I thought I heard it all!


By the way, I'm 53, have my hair, my knees are great (I run about 30 miles a week) and I'm slim. Physically fine, emotionally ?


Mid life crises wreck emotional and psychological havoc on the victim and loved ones. It's real--but not at 28. Just wait, it will come...

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One of the ballroom dancers is an 84-year-old lady. She's slim, stays to the end of every practice when people lots younger bail earlier, and is a bright spark; very personable and fun to chat with. One of my favourite partners is a grey-haired fellow of Oriental origin so I suspect he's got to be at least in his sixties and possibly older. He dances the entire night and never stops having fun. It is definitely ALL in the brain.


"As he thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Proverbs 23:7

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Originally posted by vintim53

Mid-life crisis? At 28? I don't know whether to laugh or cry at you. I think I"d rather bitch-slap you. :rolleyes:

Get in line! :lmao:

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