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Girlfriend was emotionally abused


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I posted a thread a few days ago about my girlfriend and what she went through and I have a couple questions. Before I begin here is a brief synopsis: She was emotionally abused by her ex for the last 2 years of thier relationship. Everything was good with us until he started to use things like her dogs and the house they were leasing to control. It beat her down until she finally hit rock bottom. We had talked about it several times and we spoke about it again the other day.


Basically it was finally opening up to me about how she is feeling. She said that she hit rock bottom and that, while it sucked it needed to happen. She called her ex and told him to take her off the lease of the house and that she does not need him. He got pissed off apparently, but she stood up for herself and did what she needed to do. We talked for a good hour maybe more about our relationship. I love her very much and she loves me as well, but she said she needs some time be herself and get her life together because she feels that it is unfair to me that I give 110% and she cannot because of her issues. As upsetting as it is to hear this, I know she has to do what she has to do. She still wants to hang out and we see eachother at the gym everyday, and we send the occaisonal text to each other.


I want to give her time, but what can I do besides be there for her to help her. I'll be honest, I want to be with, she said I can go out and if i meet another girl who is gonna give me what i deserve then thats fine. Honestly I dont want another girl, I've been in relationships before, been in love, but there is something about her, I cant explain it but its a great feeling.


So, please feel free to comment and provide any advice or info, for both us.



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