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Okay sooooooo... some of you might have read my other posts about me being upset about my ex all the time :( but i dont even know if im over him or not? i feel like it but at the same time i just dont know.. im WAY less emotional about him.. but idk because if i heard someone talk about him i still feel somewhat sensitive towards him.. i tried thinking of missing him and it just doesnt phase me as much as it used to. like i dont think about him anymore.. he might cross my mind but not like before.. i had a dream about him a few nights ago.. but it wasn't about missing him it was about me being in control of my feelings towards him. and i woke up feeling happy. i just dont know what this feeling is.. for anyone who has gone through this before... is this like the stage where your almost FINALLY OVER THE BASTRAD? :)

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yeah how long have you been apart for? Well i am going on 5 months now and i only started feeling better about a week ago, its kind off like this numb feeling has taken over i dont think of her that often anymore i just miss her sometimes but she is def fading from my memory...

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It's been 3 months now since we have been apart.. idk its not like im fully over him.. its just getting WAY easier to get my life back in order without him..

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Congrats Hew - good to see you are feeling better.


In my opinion the heeling process gos through certain stages.. Week by week you definetly begin to care less and less about that person.. I think a major milestone was when I could think about my ex being with some new guy and not giving a toss..


You still think about them from time to time - but it doesnt hurt at all - maybe just appreciating the good times you had and taking it is as life experience..


As they say - time does heal !...


All the best..

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