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radical idea...

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So I am bored here at work right now and I was just thinking...what is honestly so great about marriage? I was married for a bit and it really didn't work out AT ALL. It was unfortunate and really shattered me but such is life.


Anyway, I was just thinking...people change all the time, or at least they should if they are dyamic individuals who learn from their life experiences. So if we are always changing and evolving, who's to say that we are going to love the same person FOREVER? The divorce rate is so ridiculous it is becoming clear that a lot people don't even comprehend the real meaning of marriage anymore.


What about something along the lines of a partnership contract? Instead of marriage, you should just sign a contract with your partner saying that you will be together for this set number of years (you and your partner decide and agree to it). At the end of the contract, you assess your relationship, discuss changes that need to be made (if any) and decide if you want to continue your contract for another block of time. It's still like a marriage but one that can evolve and grow with the couple. And when it doesn't work out anymore, you disolve your partnership at the end of the contract.


I know, I know, it takes away a lot of the romance. But anyone who has been through divorce knows, there is nothing romantic about telling your partner 'oh hey, I know we got married and I said I would love you forever, but I just discovered you are truly an alcoholic a**hole so peace out...'


And no I haven't been drinking or anything at work:). I think this seems like a good idea. Am I brave enough to ask for comments on this?

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Sounds stupid to me.


Why bother with a contract at all? Just be together until it no longer works.

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Right, I get that. But for things such as health insurance, tax purposes, etc. it is generally easier if the government thinks there is some kind of union. Of course, this will never happen...no culture would ever do away with the idea of marriage in our lifetime and it would fly all over the church, but I just thought it was interesting...

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is generally easier if the government thinks there is some kind of union.


Ever hear of common-law marriage? Once you live with your partner for a certain amount of years, you become common-law partners.

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Right, I get that. But for things such as health insurance, tax purposes, etc. it is generally easier if the government thinks there is some kind of union. Of course, this will never happen...no culture would ever do away with the idea of marriage in our lifetime and it would fly all over the church, but I just thought it was interesting...


You can just get divorced if you change as it is. Also what will happen to assets when this contract ends? It will be identical to a divorce, and I really dont see the benefit to anybody.

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Maybe I was just bored...it seemed like a good thought at the time ;)


Someone smarter than me could probably figure out how this could work. I just hate how many divorces there are these days! I guess I just think people sometimes go into marriages knowing that there is a way out when things get rough (divorce). If you are entering into a marriage with that mentallity, should you really be getting married at all? I just thought that if people already think that way, why not cater to how they think...enter, the partnership contract. Some people just like the stability of having 'something' rather than the inconspicuous common law arrangement.


Whatever, don't listen to me...it sounded good in my head.

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Ever hear of common-law marriage? Once you live with your partner for a certain amount of years, you become common-law partners.
Depends where you live. In the province of Quebec in Canada, for instance, there's no such law. And even in jurisdictions where there are common-law marriage provisions, a pre-habitation agreement (sort of like a pre-nup but without the "nup") may be enforceable.
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no one goes into marriage thinking of divorce, though to be honest, a lot of people see that as a viable option if the shxt gets too deep or not to their liking.


love (and marriage) is a decision you make every day ... a lot of things impact it, but you can also make it last forever, if you so choose. I'm not talking about obvious deal-breakers like cheating or abuse, but those little things about the other person – or yourself – that make you like him or her or yourself a little less, and make you want to split.


people sometimes think the right thing to do is split, when all it takes is a bit more effort to get past whatever it is that drives you nuts about the other person. That means YOU have to grow up some, get past whatever it is that makes you respond the way you do when your spouse does stupid shxt ...


which makes me think that while it may sound like a smart plan, what you propose isn't a good thing. You've built failure into the plan, when marriage is supposed to be about growth. And that's the absolute best thing about marriage: You get the opportunity to grow into the person you're meant to be, even if you want to pinch your spouse's fool head off sometimes :laugh:

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