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Need Help with a confused ex-Girlfriend


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Hi! all of this is new to me because I have never benn in this situation before. I have one tough porblem that I Need help with. Me and my girlfriend borke up last week because she said she had feelings for someone else that she couldn't surpress. She then proceeded by telling me that she needed time to try and work things out and see what could make her happy. I'm only 17 and she is 16 and this is a long distance relationship. She only lives tewnty minutes away from me but since she goes to a different school I can't be with here every second.


She tells me that I haven't done anything wrong and that if we are meant to be together it will work itself out. She told me after we split that she didn't want to be in another relationship but I come to find out that she is spending time with this other person and is dating him.


I miss her so bad and just because I'm 17 doesn't mean that I don't understand love and know what I want right now. She constantly tells me that she cares for me and that she loves me too.


I don't know what I should do because I love her and more than anything want to be with her right now. I have tried to sit down and talk with her about everything and she says to me that she doesn't want to talk about it right now she just wants to ahve fun. It jusdt seems to me that if she still wants to be with me and still loves me why does it feel like she is spending all of her time with this other person and pushing me away.


I told her the other day that I am trying to just be a friend but it is hard for and not for the other guy because he is already a friend and it doesn't mean anything to him if he gets to be with her.


I have told her that I still am in love for her and my love grows stronger for her everyday. These things don't seem to be helping me get through to her. She said that she did miss one major thing in our relationship and that is when I would hold her tight and be with her becuse it made her feel secure and love me more.


Should I wait for her like I said I would or should I move on even though I know that I don't want to. I told her that I just want to see her happy. For me to be happy I would need to be with her.




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I have been in this situation and your actions are just going to push her even further. Your behavior is borderline stalker material. This would be a total turn off if I were your ex. You need to go on with your life. When she sees that you are moving on and have not tried to even talk to her she is going to begin to wonder.


Right now you are pretty pathetic in her eyes.


You will get over this. There are many fish in the see. I know that is hard to hear but this is not healthy for you. There will be better days. Focus on you and learn to love being with you first. Then, you will be better company for others.

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I have decided to move on because I know I can't be with her anymore. Why do I look pathetic in her eyes and how will breaking contact and having her see me move on make her wonder? And if so what is it that she will wonder about?

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